Just finished it Friday night. My only question is has anyone ever heard of earplugs? They kind of half figured it out in one scene. I think I hated Nuke more than Killgrave. He always came in and fucked up anything that was going. I wanted to strangle him every time he said "boys". I still think I liked Daredevil more and season 2 looks awesome with Daredevil vs Punisher (2016 is the year of superhero vs superhero I guess). Already filming Luke Cage for this time next year and just hired a show runner for Iron Fist. I think they need to cut out the second seasons so that they can get to The Defenders before Phase 3 is over. No reason they can't have more crossovers as all of the shows get established. I don't see how you can't have Jessica Jones at least make an appearance in Luke Cage since it looks like Claire Temple has a pretty big role. Be interesting to see if they fit "The Accords" from Cap 3 into these shows, but from a recent interview with one of the Russo's it sounds like The Defenders won't be joining up with The Avengers any time soon.