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Mark Sanchez (Philadelphia Eagles)

If it were a bet, I would have to shed all my USC bias. I would also have to account for the pro-OSU slant that I've experienced this drama with being that this and Bucknuts are OSU boards. That may be harder than anything.

If I had to bet, I would say OSU by less than a hair. But that is only if I absolutely had to. If I had a choice, I wouldn't lay anything down on this trainwreck. But I have no special inside info.
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The only thing that Leinart's decision does is let Sanchez know for sure that he won't have a chance at starting at USC until 2006. Actually, that's not as bad as if Zwick/Smith stayed through their final year of eligibility (2006) in which case Sanchez may have to wait until 2007 to start (provided he beats out Boeckman and anyone else on board). Then again, Leinart is a Heisman hopeful and will start these next two years while neither Zwick nor Smith have proven anything yet, so Sanchez theoretically could earn the starting job as a frosh in 2005.
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You make a good point, and all hinges on weather Booty will red-shirt this year or not. Hinds will red-shirt for sure with 7 (including him) QBs going into the 2004 season. To Sanchez it might mean the difference between one or two years as a POSSIBLE starter. But, he will have to compete no matter where he goes.

In other words, Leinart decision to stay may mean absolutely nothing with regards to this matter.

Which brings up this very relevant observation, that at times, after reading news that appear to be bad, one should swallow a large Jack Daniels, take a nap, and read the news at a more appropriate time.
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Not to go OT, but in reference to the idea of how big a factor existing QB depth is at schools that have a good reputation for what they do with their QBs, I did a little reserach.

I used Fans Only database (because it is easiest to search for this kind of stuff) and looked at their Top 150 players for the last 5 classes. I did not take the time to filter out kids who transferred, did not qualify, etc. Keep in mind also that the number of QBs in their Top 150 varies from season to season.

In 2000 Tennesses recruited 2 of the top 16 QBs.
In 2001 then got 1 of the top 21.
In 2002 they got 1 of the top 20.
In 2004 they got 2 of the top 20.

In 2000 Florida got 1 of the top 16.
In 2001 they got 1 of the top 21.
In 2002 they got 2 of the top 20.
In 2003 they got 2 of the top 18.
In 2004 they got 1 of the top 20.

In 2000 FSU got 1 of the top 15.
In 2001 they got 2 of the top 21.
In 2202 they got 1 of the top 20.
In 2004 they got 2 of the top 20.

Texas got 1 in each of those five years.

It takes a bit of confidence to play QB. These kids in general are not afraid of a little competition. IMO it is much more important that they go to a school that can develop quarterbacks.

OSU of course got one during that five year span, and if the records were available we could almost certainly go back to Schlichter since we have been in the race for a QB the caliber of Sanchez. That both MS and RS are looking at OSU is a tribute to JT.
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If there is a lockdown on info after a meeting with the coach it is probably because he has asked Sanchez to announce at Elite 11 camp. It adds to the prestige of his camp if campers announce for big programs then. Johnson is his regular coach too - it would be a good idea to keep him happy and I'm sure there is a measure of respect and gratitude there. That is one possible factor, another is that they (coach and maybe parents) want more time to change his mind. All speculation.

I don't see the lack of information comming from Sanchez as a negative and the announcement by the current USC QB that he will stay another year is a positive.
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If anything, the "lock down" probably signifies that Sanchez wants the decision to be somewhat of a surprise, or at least newsworthy. Remember the Kyle Mitchum situation from last year, when someone leaked that OSU was his choice a week before his scheduled announcement? Remember how upset Kyle was (and how he was allegedly going to reconsider his choice just so there would be some drama involved with it)? I don't think that you can draw any inference as to Sanchez's college choice (if one has been made) from his silence on the matter.
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I don't want to offend anybody - and I am as guilty as the next guy - but when we get down to the level of "what color sox was Sanchez wearing today and why do you think that was?" it may be time to let it go and wait for the announcement.

That said - I can't do it.

The recruiting game has evolved to a level of misinformation that is flat fun to watch. Kids switching hats at PCs and embarasing national 'gurus' on tv - teenagers jerking million dollar a year coaches around by not letting them know what they are going to do until signing day - and all so they can get a little attention.

And here we all are with our mouths open swimming around swallowing lures and spitting them out until we find what we are looking for.

But the punch line on Sanchez (and others) is that even if he does commit to OSU that doesn't end the process. Coaches will continue to chase him and there will always be the potential that he will change his mind right up until that morning in February when we all crash the Planet waiting to find out what documents have been faxed into the coaches and why have we not heard anything from Sanchez - and BTW, what color sox is he wearing that morning?

Ain't it a hoot.
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I agree oh8. Some kids are looking for their time in the spotlight. Of course some don't and commit without the glory. On the other hand, some kids want to bask in the attention and keep their choice a secret to continue to draw attention.
I don't believe anything until signing day. To many kids change their minds at the last minute. Also, I don't get caught up in the hype. To me it's a waste of time speculating. I wait until NLOI day and get excited about the kids who commit to the Buckeyes.
Tressel said the kids who sign with tOSU are the kids he wants. Me too. :)
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Certain things have been hashed. Like if Sanchez came to Ohio State he probably would redshirt his first year (unless he can beat out the incumbent or is so good to make him number 2). That would mean he would be a red shirt freshman when Zwick and Smith would be seniors, giving him three years after they graduate. But knowing that Tressel plays people when the game is still in doubt (Zwick last year in Northwestern) giving them meaningfull minutes instead of garbage time. Even in his redshirt freshman year he could see significant minutes making him prime for his sophmore year.

Some people may complain about Tressel's offense but it is hinged on a qb making the right calls. Krenzell was good at making the right call but how many times did he over/under throw the guy or hit the guy in stride. If he had made the proper throw half the time; how many more drives would have continued vs stalled drives. This would have given a different perspective of our offense and enhanced the numbers showing our offense to be more effective.

If Tressel unleashes the offense and Zwick or Smith take advantage, this could highlight our offense and make it more attractive to qb's like Sanchez.
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Quote - "Even in his redshirt freshman year he could see significant minutes making him prime for his sophmore year."

Playing in his freshman year means it's not a redshirt year.

edit - sorry, airspce, i think I spent too much time reading threads yesterday! You're right about his redshirt freshman year being JZ's senior year.
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