Retired Super Hero
My brother-in-law had a heart attack back in mid-December. Came as a surprise as well. He is carrying a little extra weight but his blood pressure and cholesterol were excellent. His cardiologists don't really have an answer as to why he had one to begin with. He was also very active. Very odd to say the least.
All the best with your recovery.
hospital almost released me early.
i didn’t even have the classic heart attack symptoms. just felt like i was going to pass out for a couple minutes. then started sweating profusely for no reason. once that passed, i felt utterly exhausted. Like completely and totally drained of all energy.
Family dr suggested i go to ER to get checked out rather than his facility.
every test the ran (blood pressure, pulse-ox, ekg, untrasound) all game back “normal”.
had one enzyme in my blood work that was elevated, and only slightly.
er doc said looking like it was stress or anxiety related. keep me long enough for one more round of blood work. if everything normal (as expected), they were going to let me go.
next round of blood work came back and that same enzyme was now off the charts high.
so they rushed me down y’all to the Cath Lab. prepping me for procedure while rolling me down the hall.
told me after the fact that i was having a heart attack. and were shocked i had no traditional symptoms of a heart attack.
they put stent in the 100% blockage and scheduled me to fix other blockages once i got past the stress of the emergency procedure.