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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)


The University of Miami men's basketball team will be sporting LeBron James-branded Nike gear this coming season thanks to a sponsorship deal with the Miami Heat superstar, two sources said Friday.

James will also be sponsoring Ohio State and Kentucky.
UM players were told the news by Coach Jim Larranaga on Thursday.

James' publicist, Keith Estabrook, said he wouldn't comment on the matter and directed all questions to Nike, which didn't immediately return an email from the Sun Sentinel.
Via Steve Gorten/South Florida Sun Sentinel
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When the "annoy the shit out of people for attention because no one will really do anything about it" strategy goes horribly wrong.



You may remember Matthew Bellamy from such Internet stories as "Ohio man wears LeBron James jersey to Cleveland Indians game after 'The Decision' and has to be escorted from the park by police." Unfortunately, Mr. Bellamy is now in serious condition at St. Vincent's hospital in Toledo after he was attacked by a man after some bar time on Monday.
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