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LB Dorian Bell (transfer to Duquesne)

crazybuckfan40;1141736; said:
Also I think Telfort is a safety prospect, and I think Jenkins and Bell are the same type prospect...You take the higher rated one and call it a day...

I can't see the staff passing on either Jenkins or Bell if they both want in. Both of them are just too good of players with too much potential to say no.
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brutus2002;1141752; said:
I think we take 4-5 linebackers. The logic is that maybe 1 will become a Leo down the road. Theres too many studs looking at us to turn any of them away.

Insert Newsome here...

MuBuck said:
I can't see the staff passing on either Jenkins or Bell if they both want in. Both of them are just too good of players with too much potential to say no.

Obviously I never said they are going to pass on Bell...I said that once Bell joins they would pass on Jenkins...Yes Jenkins is a good player, but we have other needs as well, and Bell is the higher ranked player on the board, so you take him and trust your evaluating and close the door on lb recruiting for the year...
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crazybuckfan40;1141670; said:
No reason to go after any more in this class...That would just be overloading depth IMO...Unless of course we would get a stud 5 star or something, but I would be very excited with a class of Klein, Bell, Whiting...

I see your point but I'll still take as much depth at LB as possible. Mike D'Andrea is a prime example of how injuries and other factors can ultimately decide a players future regardless of potential or how many stars they have.
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GoBuckeyes27;1142059; said:
I see your point but I'll still take as much depth at LB as possible. Mike D'Andrea is a prime example of how injuries and other factors can ultimately decide a players future regardless of potential or how many stars they have.

Lawrence Wilson, Steve Rehring, Andre Amos, Ray Small, Branden Saine are all prime examples of why we need depth at all positions, not just LB. All of these guys were to be factors last year, but all missed at least some portion of the season due to injury.
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GoBuckeyes27;1142059; said:
I see your point but I'll still take as much depth at LB as possible. Mike D'Andrea is a prime example of how injuries and other factors can ultimately decide a players future regardless of potential or how many stars they have.

Injuries are more of a factor on the lines than at LB. Just look at this spring. More than half our o-line is out. I agree with cbf40.
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Oh8ch;1142165; said:
I agree with taking all the quality LBs you can get. We move them around more than any other position - DE, S, FB - even TE.

Yes, I absolutely agree with taking as many LBs we can get.....they tend to be tremendously versatile. E.g., Curtis Terry is playing FB apart from LB!! They could easily move up on the line or play S depending on the need of a team. Bottom line....we shouldn't pass up on any quality talent at LB.
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