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LB Dorian Bell (transfer to Duquesne)

Gateway's Bell adjusting to spotlight
By Tricia Lafferty
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

After playing just one full varsity season, he's earned scholarship offers from Boston College, Ohio State, Penn State, Pitt and West Virginia, among others. When Alabama coach Nick Saban visited Gateway to take a look at Hale, Smith popped in one of Bell's highlight tapes, and Saban offered Bell on the spot.

"Dorian is the best all-around athlete I have coached," Smith said. "He's a kid that can dunk a basketball any way you ask him. He runs a 4.5 40; 210 pounds that will hit you like a truck. He can catch a football. He can throw a football 60 yards in the air. He can play tailback, tight end, receiver. He can play any skill position."

Bell will play a bit of tight end this season, but he probably will shine more at linebacker.

"I need to go (to a college where) I'll get playing time," Bell said. "I want to start as a freshman.

"Maybe I can go beyond that college and go to the NFL. I want people watching me on Sundays."

Gateway's Bell adjusting to spotlight - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
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I am not either...every kid thinks they are good enough to walk in and start from Day 1 anymore. How often does that really happen? Most of these kids have no idea what they are in for when they step on campus.
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wadc45;907709; said:
I am not either...every kid thinks they are good enough to walk in and start from Day 1 anymore. How often does that really happen? Most of these kids have no idea what they are in for when they step on campus.

If my darn PC w/ Internet Explorer 8 would let me rep you, I would. Every kid thinks they are good enough to start from day one, the reality is maybe 5% of all college freshman are physically and mentally ready for the grind.

I know I wasn't...when you are 17 or 18, your priorities are ever-evolving. It takes a talented, special kid w/ an incredible support system of friends and family to make a successful transition. Dorian may be able to make that shift...but the statistics aren't in his favor.
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From a Keystone Recruiting/Pittsburgh Sports Report article posted on here a few weeks ago:

"He can fly, has excellent athleticism, and is tough as nails. Bell also has the frame to add a lot more weight. He will definitely be one of the best linebacker prospects in the country in 2009."

On Corey Brown:

"On offense, 6'0" 180 pound COREY BROWN combines good speed with off-the-charts athleticism and ball skills. There may be 6'4" receivers across the country that could get more offers because of their size, but few will be as good as Brown, who will still have plenty of offers to choose from."
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From the OSU site...talks about his season and what position he might project at in college. Has offers from Akron, Ohio State, West Virginia, Pitt, Penn State and Rutgers and talks about possibly playing with Corey Brown in college.
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Pittsburgh Gazette

High praise
Terry Smith has produced a number of Division I college players in his time at Gateway, but here is what he had to say about linebacker Dorian Bell, who is 6 feet 1, 215 pounds, after Friday's 32-20 victory against Upper St. Clair:
"He's phenomenal. He's truly big time. He's the best football player I've ever coached."
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By Steve Hare from the ND site...offers from Ohio State, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Rutgers, West Virginia, Virginia Tech, Illinois and Tennessee. Mentions interest in Rutgers, OSU, Michigan, Florida and possibly ND.
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