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LB Dorian Bell (transfer to Duquesne)


The satanic soulless freight train that is Ohio St
Staff member
Tech Admin
  • Dorian Bell

    Gateway HS
    Monroeville PA

    HT: 6'2"
    WT: 220
    40: NA

    Same high school as 2008 prospect Shayne Hale. Has offers from Syracuse, Virginia Tech, Ohio State, Rutgers, Michigan, Boston College, West Virginia, Penn State, and Pittsburgh.
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    Rave reviews all over the board for Bell...every he has been he has impressed. I know it's early but a very likely 5 star candidate...I know Lichtenfels thinks he is one of the best players in PA regardless of class. There is also another teammate at Gateway that is supposed to be a phenom at WR.
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    RB07OSU;886419; said:
    Rave reviews all over the board for Bell...every he has been he has impressed. I know it's early but a very likely 5 star candidate...I know Lichtenfels thinks he is one of the best players in PA regardless of class. There is also another teammate at Gateway that is supposed to be a phenom at WR.

    Not to hijack Dorian thread at all, but is this who you're talking about: Corey Brown

    Also, where was the 6'2" 220 verified. Everything I have seen has him at about 6'1" 205 (both Scout/Rivals).
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    This is probably way out there, but I wonder if the staff made a strategic move by offering this kid so early.

    I know they wouldn't offer unless they want him, but the timing is interesting. Did he even camp or is the offer based on film?

    Anyway, with Hale talking package deal (I know it's with is cousin) does this help Hale feel more comfortable knowing that OSU is high on another teammate? At least I hope it does.
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    Ones to watch

    Gateway has two heavily recruited seniors in defensive end/fullback Shayne Hale and running back/defensive back Cameron Saddler. But the Gators also have two standout juniors who already have a number of scholarship offers.

    Penn State called Gateway coach Terry Smith before practice Tuesday and said it was offering scholarships to receiver-defensive back Corey Brown (6 feet 1, 185 pounds) and linebacker Dorian Bell (6-2, 215). Pitt, Ohio State, Michigan and Alabama already had offered scholarships to both.

    "They both have about 12 offers already," Smith said.

    Smith believes both Brown and Bell could be ranked among the top 50 players in the country next year.

    Ex-Dukes won't alter new schools' status
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