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LB Coach James Laurinaitis (2x B1G DPOY, 2006 Nagurski, 2007 Butkus, 2008 Lott, 3x All-American, OSU HOF)

NateG;1051332; said:
One of my friend's sister in law is good friends with James and just before they left to go to New Orleans he called her and during their conversation he told her that he would be coming back to play his senior season. So sorry Pats fans maybe next year.

ashlandbuck;1051369; said:
Well, my brother's barber's father's neighbor knows someone who knows someone that knows Laurinaitis and he said........

I'm just busting your chops Nate.

I do find this hard to believe. I have checked out a half dozen mock draft sites and every single one has him going to the Pats with the #4 pick. One site even claimed that BB loves Laurinaitis.
If JL has a good idea that he is actually going to go to the Pats with the #4 overall pick, wouldn't that be too difficult to walk away from?

NateG;1051398; said:
I know this girl as well and she has no reason to make this up(she knows he has 3 quarters left). And unless the mocks youve looked at have trade expectations on them, the pattycakes pic 7th so he wouldnt get drafted by them til then. Plus he is great friends with Hawk(who stayed) and the word is that Hawk has told him to stay. But good luck to him in either position because with or without him the bucks have a great shot to get to the title game again.

I think i deserve a greenie Ashland.:biggrin: I'm really glad I get to where my 33 jersey for a current player next year.
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Laurinaitis returning for senior season

OSU's All-American linebacker shores up Buckeyes' defense, which was one of best in 2007.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Unlike the talented offense of 2006, the stout Ohio State football defense of 2007 will stay mostly intact.
Linebacker James Laurinaitis, a two-time All-American, announced Monday that he will remain at OSU for his senior season, meaning the Buckeyes' defense that was considered by many the country's best until the BCS Championship Game loss against LSU, will retain nine starters. Linebacker Larry Grant completed his eligibility and defensive end Vernon Gholston announced he will make himself eligible for the NFL draft.

"There are a lot of things that money can't buy, and some of those things are the experiences of a senior season," Laurinaitis said in a statement released by the school.
Laurinaitis, rated as the top linebacker in this year's draft by nfldraftscout.com if he had declared, could have potentially earned $10 to $17 million during a five-year contract, based on recent deals.

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Top OSU tackler will not turn pro James Laurinaitis will return for senior season
By Marla Ridenour
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Tuesday, Jan 15, 2008

''Little Animal'' could have become Ohio State's 67th first-round draft pick.
Instead, he'll smack down Big Ten foes for another season.
OSU linebacker James Laurinaitis bypassed millions Monday, deciding it meant more to him to play one more year with his junior classmates, including four who already had spurned the NFL. The two-time All-American followed the route of his predecessor, A.J. Hawk, and announced he was returning for his senior season.
''I know I can still improve as a player, and I know there is still much more for me and for the Buckeyes to accomplish,'' Laurinaitis said in a written statement. ''My love for this university, my love for the people of the state of Ohio and my love for teammates and friends is so great that I want to stay a Buckeye for another season. You only get to do this once, so I want to take full advantage

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James Laurinaitis' return gives Ohio State football hope

OSU star linebacker having too much fun'

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus -- When Ohio State takes the field on Aug. 30 attempting to reach college football's national title game for the third straight season, the Buckeyes will look incredibly familiar. At this stage, 39 of the 44 players from the two-deep roster at the BCS National Championship loss to LSU are returning to Columbus, and two of the five that are missing are fullbacks.
"I think we have an opportunity to do something special," Ohio State All-American middle linebacker James Laurinaitis said Monday.
He should know. His announcement that he will return for his senior season wrapped up a week for the Buckeyes that served as its own recruiting coup. In the span of seven days, five of the six OSU players considering leaving for the NFL decided to stay, with only defensive end Vernon Gholston announcing his intention to leave for the pros. Today is the deadline for underclassmen to declare for the NFL draft.

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Junior linebacker Laurinaitis decides to put NFL on hold for one more year
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer

James Laurinaitis is a man of his word after all.

Laurinaitis was adamant all season that he would return for his senior year. After taking a week to think it over, yesterday he made it official.

Laurinaitis joined a surprising trend of OSU juniors who all decided to return for another chance at a national championship. Thirteen juniors filed paperwork with the NFL to assess their draft status.

Ultimately, only Vernon Gholston decided to leave early.

''There are a lot of things that money can't buy, and some of those things are the experiences of a senior season,'' Laurinaitis said in a statement. ''Going through those things with my teammates next year is what I look forward to the most.''

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MuckFich06;1066135; said:
I guess he wanted to earn an All-American selection for each of those 3 stars he received as a recruit.

think about this. JL will be joining the likes of Tom Skladany, Mike Doss, Chic Harley, and Archie Griffin in a VERY elite club. there have been only 7 three time All America selections in Ohio State history.
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CausticMick;1066032; said:
I'm aware of that, but (right or wrong) I don't really consider any of the FBs a FT starter considering none stood out head and shoulders in either playing time or impact. Very good players, don't get me wrong, but we had three rotating and both D. Johnson and Whaley were walk-ons (I believe, not sure about T. Robinson) until awarded a schollie this year.

Off-topic, but Dionte Johnson was on scholarship his entire career. Both Whaley and Robinson were walk-ons.

And thanks, JL, for coming back for another year! :cheers:
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