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Twister, for the 40th time.

I really enjoy the movie, but the ridiculousness of the tornado scenes gets more and more laughable every time I watch it. I mean outrunning a tornado through a cornfield? Driving through an entire house? Flying cows?

Bonus points to this movie for showcasing how hot Helen Hunt used to be.
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SloopyHangOn;1899431; said:
Twister, for the 40th time.
Bonus points to this movie for showcasing how hot Helen Hunt used to be.
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wadc45;1900073; said:

Big build up to a pretty plausible ending. Occam's razor at its finest. I guess I let people build it up for me a little too much.
Thought, indie film, might be interesting. Rented it, saw it.

Wanted about 2 hours of my life back.

Largely because I got the telegraphed ending about 10-15 minutes in - spent the rest of the time hoping I was wrong.

Memo to self - never bet against self.

Funny how that kind of thing goes.
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