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NFBuck;1494803; said:
Saw 'Public Enemies' today and I have to say, considering the cast and director, along with how much I was looking forward to it, it was a major disappointment. Not awful by any means, just expected much more...6.5/10

Just got back from seeing PE. While the movie was just okay, it did the book no justice at all. I HIGHLY recommend the book and was really let down by the movie.
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jimotis4heisman;1500885; said:
i saw that this weekend. not bad. not great. enjoyable though.
Agreed, it was enjoyable, but I had insanely high expectations going in. It was probably the movie I was looking most forward to this summer. Michael Mann directing, Bale, Depp in a movie about such an interesting public figure...just should have been so much more...

Watched 'Eurotrip' on TBS this evening...always funny.
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The Room

Written by Tommy Wiseau....
Directed by Tommy Wiseau....
Produced by Tommy Wiseau....
Starring Tommy Wiseau....
Who's Tommy Wiseau?
You get the picture.

This movie was released in 2003, but it's currently making the art house/midnight movie rounds. I saw it Saturday night, and I was absolutely floored. This movie is indescribably bad ... and I've seen all of John Waters's and Ed Wood's movies, not to mention a hundred others that could easily make anybody's "Ten Worst" list. Unintentionally funny (and I literally mean LMAO/ROTFL funny) from the very first line right up till the end - this film just never lets up. On IMDb, 40% of the people rating this movie gave it a "10", and 40% gave it a "1" ... and I would have no problem justifying either score. Must be seen to be believed. The latest candidate to be "the Citizen Kane of bad movies".

If it's playing near you (it will be at the Cleveland Cinematheque on August 22nd), then go see it, as the audience will likely be in mass hysterics. If not (and it probably isn't), then try to find a copy somewhere (like Netflix or amazon.com) - you'll be glad you made the effort.
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From netflix
The Room(2003) RTerrible performances, ridiculous situations and unbelievably dim-witted dialogue abound in this unintentionally hilarious masterpiece about a banker (Tommy Wiseau) who discovers his fianc?e (Juliette Danielle) and best friend (Greg Sestero) are having an affair. Lead actor Wiseau writes and directs this steamy, quirky and utterly bewildering cult favorite, which fails on so many levels that it delivers nonstop laughs from beginning to end.
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LordJeffBuck;1505003; said:
The Room

Written by Tommy Wiseau....
Directed by Tommy Wiseau....
Produced by Tommy Wiseau....
Starring Tommy Wiseau....
Who's Tommy Wiseau?
You get the picture.

This movie was released in 2003, but it's currently making the art house/midnight movie rounds. I saw it Saturday night, and I was absolutely floored. This movie is indescribably bad ... and I've seen all of John Waters's and Ed Wood's movies, not to mention a hundred others that could easily make anybody's "Ten Worst" list. Unintentionally funny (and I literally mean LMAO/ROTFL funny) from the very first line right up till the end - this film just never lets up. On IMDb, 40% of the people rating this movie gave it a "10", and 40% gave it a "1" ... and I would have no problem justifying either score. Must be seen to be believed. The latest candidate to be "the Citizen Kane of bad movies".

If it's playing near you (it will be at the Cleveland Cinematheque on August 22nd), then go see it, as the audience will likely be in mass hysterics. If not (and it probably isn't), then try to find a copy somewhere (like Netflix or amazon.com) - you'll be glad you made the effort.

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