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Kansas Jayhawks (official thread)

This does beg a question that I never asked any active or veteran service members:
Are there any military bases in the US that are in nice areas of the US?
Colorado Springs, but you will have to deal with major hail storms every year.
Fort Stewart is close enough to Savanah, GA.
Fort Leavenworth is close to KC and Fort Campbell is similar to Nashville.
Fort Hood now known as Fort Cavazos is an hour or so from Austin, but Killeen is a shithole.
JBLM is near Seattle...maybe that is not a good example.
Hawaii is Hawaii and same goes for those in Alaska.
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This does beg a question that I never asked any active or veteran service members:
Are there any military bases in the US that are in nice areas of the US?

Key West, FL - Naval Air Station​


If your idea of the best military bases involves a tropical destination but you're more of the Lower 48 type, set your eyes on Key West, Florida.

Technically, actually, Naval Air Station Key West is on Boca Chica Key, an island of its own about four miles from downtown Key West. Boca Chica Key is the second-to-last major island in the Keys, making the drive down from Miami particularly scenic in and of itself.

Crystal clear waters, epic sunsets, great weather outside of hurricane season, candy-colored architecture, and an abundance of diverse wildlife all contribute to the interesting scenery.
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Key West, FL - Naval Air Station​


If your idea of the best military bases involves a tropical destination but you're more of the Lower 48 type, set your eyes on Key West, Florida.

Technically, actually, Naval Air Station Key West is on Boca Chica Key, an island of its own about four miles from downtown Key West. Boca Chica Key is the second-to-last major island in the Keys, making the drive down from Miami particularly scenic in and of itself.

Crystal clear waters, epic sunsets, great weather outside of hurricane season, candy-colored architecture, and an abundance of diverse wildlife all contribute to the interesting scenery.
Glad to see this discussion go back on topic!
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