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K Ryan Pretorius (official thread)

On second thought, Pretorius
An interesting -- not shocking -- development at the end of the kick scrimmage today, coach Jim Tressel stating that his kicker of choice for field goals going into the season opener is Ryan Pretorius. Of course, you know that Aaron Pettrey won that nod a year ago, on the strength of a strong showing in the kick scrimmage. But when Pettrey went two of five on his first field goal tries today and Pretorius went three of four, we observers in the press box felt something was afoot.

It validated what Tressel had told Pretorius before spring practices began, that despite the pecking order at season's end, the competition for No.1 was still alive. Tressel had been impressed with the way Pretorius, the afffable, 28-year-old former rugby player from South Africa, had stuck with the program even after the devastating disappointment of last August. Pretorius admitted he had contemplated a transfer, perhaps to Alabama, he said, but in the end opted to keep his foot in the competition with Pettrey.

But more than anything it was Pretorius' consistency in kicking the ball through the uprights since last August that earned him the spot. He was told by the coaches after the jersey scrimmage on Saturday that he was No.1, though it wasn't made public until today.

As tough as the news was for Pettrey, it was a feel-good moment for Pretorius -- nicknamed Zulu -- and for those who believe in the ethic of persistence. He stuck around and beat the odds, really, because college coaches, once they settle on a kicker, usually are loathe to change, especially after an above-average season like the one Pettrey had last year. What it proved, Pretorius said, is that Tressel is a man of his word.

On second thought, Pretorius (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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Morning Journal

Notorious spot goes to Pretorious Notorious spot goes to Pretorious
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer

COLUMBUS -- Quarterback apparently is not the only position that is up for grabs this year. Following yesterday's kick scrimmage, Jim Tressel announced Ryan Pretorious would likely take over the kicking duties this year, replacing sophomore Aaron Pettrey, who held the job all of last year.

Pettrey was 8-of-11 on field goal attempts last year and 55-of-58 on extra points, but has struggled during the spring and preseason. At one point yesterday, he was just 2-of-5 on field goals.

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Ryan Pretorius is new Ohio State kicker

Thursday, August 23, 2007 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- A year ago, Ryan Pretorius walked home from Ohio State's kick scrimmage in tears, knowing one bad day had cost him the chance to be the Buckeyes' No. 1 kicker.
It took him a full year to earn another chance, during which he pondered a transfer and went through a divorce, but on Wednesday, coach Jim Tressel said Pretorius is back on top.
"Everything was based on one day [last year], and I just put my head down and worked and hoped coach Tressel realized how consistent I have been and would give me an opportunity," Pretorius said. "And I think he's about to, and I'm grateful for that."

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I wonder if he is the oldest football player in OSU history, at least in modern history. He's 28 now and has another year left. I don't think this is over yet. Pettrey has the stronger leg and will probably kick off. If Pettrey can be consistent again, he can retake the position, if Ryan falters. I like Pettrey because he waited and waited to get into OSU. He had other free rides and chose to be patient with OSU. I trust JT on these matters, and the depth at kicker and punter is truly amazing.
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