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K Mike Nugent (All American, Lou Groza Winner, National Champion)

from bengals.com

The Bengals have to make a move to make room for Gresham on the roster, and one of the two kickers probably won?t get whacked. Mike Nugent, No. 1 on the depth chart, has to take a few days off because of some soreness. Dave Rayner made all six of his field-goal tries Sunday (longest from 51) after he started camp 6-for-11.
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from bengals.com

Dave Rayner, a day after he was placed on the depth chart behind Mike Nugent and went 6-for-6, hit his first five field goals (30, 34, 38, 40, 43) then missed wide right on his last Tuesday a 47-yarder ... Nugent, who didn't kick Tuesday for the second straight day, has a lower body strain and is questionable to kick Sunday.
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Injuries slow Nugent's career
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
By Edward Paik
The Columbus Dispatch

GEORGETOWN, Ky. - Mike Nugent knows why he spent Sundays last season in Columbus watching football on TV. It had to do with an injury, he said.

"Two years ago, I tore my quad out. I was out for most of the year in New York, and then I just wasn't hitting it well," Nugent said.

The kicker traced his NFL career to when he started five years ago. He reached back four teams to when he was a second-round draft pick of the New York Jets, long before he signed with the Cincinnati Bengals in April. An injury almost ruined his career.
Through seven days of practice, Nugent made nine of his 11 field-goal attempts. Rayner is closing in on 20 attempts. In the Bengals' 16-7 loss Sunday to the Dallas Cowboys in the Hall of Fame Game on Sunday, Rayner converted one extra-point attempt.

"It's neck and neck, but obviously Rayner is getting more work in," Bengals special teams coach Darrin Simmons said. "Right now, (Nugent has) got to show something."

Injuries slow Nugent's career | BuckeyeXtra
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Thursday update: Carson-T.O. act closes; Geathers sidelined; Bryant confident; Nugent back

NUGENT BACK: After a two-week hiatus, the Bengals' kicking competiton is back on. Mike Nugent, out with a groin problem, returned Thursday and hit three out of four while Dave Rayner was one of two. Nugent's miss was from 36, while he hit them from 32, 39, and 44. He probably had the lead before the injury, but now it looks pretty much up in the air, particulalry since Rayner had no chances Sunday night against the Cowboys to kick a field goal.

Nugent, the Centerville, Ohio product who watched a ton of Bengals' games at Riverfront Stadium, is no stranger to Paul Brown Stadium, either. He kicked for Ohio State when they beat Cincinnati there in 2002, and while kicking for the Jets in 2007 he kicked field goals of 24, 35, and 43 in the Bengals' 38-31 win.

"And I've practiced in there plenty," he said.
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Kickers Dave Rayner and Mike Nugent were supposed to alternate kicks, but Rayner indicated he thought Nugent had some more physical issues when he didn?t return after he had two extra points. Nugent had been sidelined for about two weeks with a groin problem before returning last week, but Lewis did call him out for a 50-yard attempt in the second quarter. Lewis called him back and went for it on fourth-and-2 ?because that?s what I would have done during the season,? he said.

Quick hits: Cook, Skuta say they're OK
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Marvin Lewis on going for it on 4th and 2 instead of letting Nuge Kick:

Q: On a fourth down situation, you originally sent the field goal team out:
?After we had the timeout ,I figured that in (a regular season game), I?m probably going to go for that, so we might as well go for it today and let the offense do it. I had Darrin (special teams coach Darrin Simmons) in one ear, because he?s trying to get his stuff done, which is understandable. He wants more opportunities for Dave (Rayner) and Mike (Nugent) to kick, and I understand that. It took one attempt away from Mike right there, but we?ll get him up first up next week.?
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Bengals kicker frustrated
Coach hopeful that Nugent will play on Friday

By Joe Reedy ? [email protected] ? August 18, 2010

No one needs to tell Mike Nugent that time is running short in his bid to win the Bengals placekicking job.

Through two preseason games, Nugent is still fighting the effects of a groin injury that sidelined him for over a week in training camp. After missing the Hall of Fame Game, Nugent had three kickoffs and two extra points during the first half of last Sunday?s win over Denver.

The groin though started to bother him during the game and he was held out during the second half. With the exception of a quad injury two years ago with the Jets, the Centerville native and former Ohio State standout has been healthy throughout his career.

Nugent admits that he has been frustrated by the injury and has tried to remain patient through it. That?s easier said than done though since he?s in competition with Dave Rayner.

?If you?re someone who has been kicking on a team for 10 years then you know you?re going to be the guy. You can chill out and be ready for the season,? said Nugent, knowing full well that isn?t the case here. ?Obviously whoever kicks better is going to be the guy. You don?t want to put bad things on film or kick poorly.?

Nugent said it wasn?t one kick that reaggravated the groin injury but a combination of kicks during pregame warm-ups and the game. Special teams coach Darrin Simmons said he is hopeful that Nugent will play on Friday.

Against the Broncos, Nugent?s three kickoffs were just shy of the end zone (average was the 3). By comparison, five of Rayner?s seven kickoffs this preseason have reached the end zone and was 4 of 5 on field goals against Denver.

Bengals kicker frustrated | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com
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Lewis said the hope is that Mike Nugent (groin), pulled back after kicking two extra points last Sunday, is going to get some field-goal tries Friday. Nugent said his groin tightened up at halftime and he didn't go back to kick, but he's going to try and do it Friday as he attempts to balance his health with catching up with Dave Rayner's 4-for-5 last Sunday.

"You don't want to put anying bad on tape," Nugent said.
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KICKING KICKED: Mike Nugent, one of the Bengals? two kicking candidates, knows exactly where the kicking derby now stands.

?I think it?s a wide-open game until some day they say, ?You?re the starter.?? Nugent said.

He couldn?t be more right. Dave Rayner pushed his only field goal attempt of the night to the left from 34 yards out. As if to sum up Nugent?s luck, after finally recovering from a groin injury his first and only field-goal try of the preseason came on the final play of the first half from 59 yards.

Oh yeah. Short and left.

And for the second straight week a penalty cost him a chance to impress them from 50 yards and beyond. On Friday night, guard Nate Livings moved before the snap of a 52-yard try early in the second quarter and they opted to then punt. Nugent is remaining philosophical.

?It was clearly the last play of the half,? said Nugent of his attempt. ?Especially in the preseason, it?s a good time to see if you?ve got it. I hit it very solid but I knew hit it left. ?

But the best news of the night for him is that his groin seemed to get through it OK (?It feels good now?) and he?s ready to push on.

Rayner is 4-for-6 in the derby with misses from 44 and 34 while Nugent is looking for his first kick under 59 yards.

Quick hits: Defense hears Zimmer; Wilson looks to be out for year
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Bengals? Mike Nugent: Familar Setting, New Territory

By Tom Archdeacon | Saturday, August 21, 2010


CINCINNATI ? He has kicked all across the NFL, in college football stadiums coast to coast and all around southwest Ohio as a prep player.

And yet Sunday Mike Nugent enters new territoty.
Mike Nugent

Sunday, for the first time ever, Nugent will kick at Welcome Stadium.

The Cincinnati Bengals kicker ? who prepped at Centerville High and then starred at Ohio State before five pro seasons with the New York Jets, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Arizona Cardinals ? will join his new teammates for a practice in front of 11,000 Dayton fans.

?Unbelievably I?ve never played a game at Welcome Stadium,? said Nugent. ?My junior year in high school we lost to Elder in the second round of the play-offs on a Tuesday night. We were supposed to play Wayne there right after that.?

Nugent ? who has been contending with a nagging groin injury while vying with Dave Rayner for the Bengals kicking job that opened up when Shayne Graham was sent packing ? is looking forward to his Dayton visit:

?I hear the place sold out in an hour. Growing up in Dayton, I was a big Bengals fan so this is real special coming home. It?s great we can come up there and pay tribute to the fans and just say ?thank you.??

DaytonDailyNews: Dayton, Ohio, news and information

THE WRONG FOOT: Mike Nugent finally got to attempt a field goal Friday night ... from 59 yards and Dave Rayner has two misses in the last two games. The door is still wide open for Nugent if he can stay healthy.

Also keep an eye on Houston where the loser of the Kris Brown-Neil Rackers competition will be getting looks from a lot of teams.

Backups pushing for roster spots | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com
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LONG DISTANCE: Mike Nugent might have taken a slight lead in the kicking competition when he nailed a 54-yarder midway through the third quarter. Nugent tried a 59-yarder last week against Philadelphia but was short.

?We expect Mike to do that, that?s how he practiced,? Lewis said. ?I wouldn?t have taken a whack out of it if I didn?t expect him to make it.?

Dave Rayner made a 32-yarder and is 5 of 7 in the preseason.

Cincinnati.Com | Cincinnati Enquirer | Bengals Blog ? 8/28/10: Jones with lock at kick returner?
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