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Just wanted to share...

Lou270slant;948379; said:
Been a couple of years ago, but I got called into my son's pre-school class to discuss why my son stood on his chair and yelled "MICHIGAN SUCKS!!" to a kid that walked into the class in a scUM shirt...I was never so proud!



my three year old also... the first letters of alphabet he learned are O and B. if you ask him what they stand for, he says "O for Ohio State" and "B for Brutus Buckeye".

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That is a great story, good to see you are bringing your kids up right. No doubt they have a successful future ahead of them. :wink2:

My two boys (2 & 4), no matter what sporting event is on scream BUCKEYES or GO BUCKEYES!! I don't usually correct them to what team is on, just because how can I discourage that response?? My youngest also notices anything Buckeyes when he is out, he sees all the flags, decorations, etc, and responds with a Buckeyes!! as he points them out to me. God it makes me proud. :biggrin:

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While I was getting my degree my son was in a church sponsored daycare in Columbus. When he was approximately 18 months old my wife and I were called into the daycare one day so the teachers could discuss a "problem" with us. It seems that they used to listen to the radio in the daycare and every Friday there were a lot of OSU related items during football season. There was often accompanying music with the commercials, shows etc. that was either Across the Field or Buckeye Battle Cry. My infant son recognized these because his grandfather, my father, would often play OSU albums when we visited as my son liked to hear the band. I had taught him to, when he heard either of these songs, say "GO BUCKS" and then give a thumbs up sign immediately followed by a thumbs down sign, the word "Michigan" and a raspberry cheer. The day care providers saw this last part a inappropriate behavior. This was in the mid 70's right after Archie made history. Needless to say, I didn't change a thing. Fast forward to 2003, his grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. As the oldest grandchild he was asked to say a few words about his grandparents at a large reception for family and friends. He started this by saying that he wanted to thank his grandfather for for two things from his childhood and that was teaching him how to fish and hating Michigan. All of the Ohio people immediately could relate, our California relatives simply looked confused.
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I have a tradition of calling my brother before every OSU game and saying "OH" to which of course he responds "IO" before discussing the day's game. Anyway, this past Saturday my 3 year old was half asleep on the couch having just gotten up from a nap when I placed my weekly call. When my brother answered and I said "OH," my 3 year old yells, "IO!" It was hillarious because the kid wasn't really even fully awake, but the OSU conditioning kicked in prompting the immediate "IO" response. Good to know the kid listens to at least some of what I teach!
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Gotta love teaching your kids to hate Michigan. My fiancee hates sports (Oh well no women is perfect) but through the guidance of her father has unbridled hatred of Michigan. The first time we went on a date she asked me if I was a Buckeye fan, because she could never brigan a Michigan man home to dad... so to all you Buckeye dad's out there, thanks for raising your daughters right :)
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Wadcutter;948462; said:
While I was getting my degree my son was in a church sponsored daycare in Columbus. When he was approximately 18 months old my wife and I were called into the daycare one day so the teachers could discuss a "problem" with us. It seems that they used to listen to the radio in the daycare and every Friday there were a lot of OSU related items during football season. There was often accompanying music with the commercials, shows etc. that was either Across the Field or Buckeye Battle Cry. My infant son recognized these because his grandfather, my father, would often play OSU albums when we visited as my son liked to hear the band. I had taught him to, when he heard either of these songs, say "GO BUCKS" and then give a thumbs up sign immediately followed by a thumbs down sign, the word "Michigan" and a raspberry cheer. The day care providers saw this last part a inappropriate behavior. This was in the mid 70's right after Archie made history. Needless to say, I didn't change a thing. Fast forward to 2003, his grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. As the oldest grandchild he was asked to say a few words about his grandparents at a large reception for family and friends. He started this by saying that he wanted to thank his grandfather for for two things from his childhood and that was teaching him how to fish and hating Michigan. All of the Ohio people immediately could relate, our California relatives simply looked confused.


Classic! Thanks for sharing that!
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Wadcutter;948462; said:
While I was getting my degree my son was in a church sponsored daycare in Columbus. When he was approximately 18 months old my wife and I were called into the daycare one day so the teachers could discuss a "problem" with us. It seems that they used to listen to the radio in the daycare and every Friday there were a lot of OSU related items during football season. There was often accompanying music with the commercials, shows etc. that was either Across the Field or Buckeye Battle Cry. My infant son recognized these because his grandfather, my father, would often play OSU albums when we visited as my son liked to hear the band. I had taught him to, when he heard either of these songs, say "GO BUCKS" and then give a thumbs up sign immediately followed by a thumbs down sign, the word "Michigan" and a raspberry cheer. The day care providers saw this last part a inappropriate behavior. This was in the mid 70's right after Archie made history. Needless to say, I didn't change a thing. Fast forward to 2003, his grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. As the oldest grandchild he was asked to say a few words about his grandparents at a large reception for family and friends. He started this by saying that he wanted to thank his grandfather for for two things from his childhood and that was teaching him how to fish and hating Michigan. All of the Ohio people immediately could relate, our California relatives simply looked confused.

Those are 2 of the most important things in life!!
Fishing and Hating Michigan. I hope my kids will see those 2 as important lessons in their life, as well. :biggrin:
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i have an OSU flag that i hang on the front porch, i took it down the other day for a showing that we had on the house, we the kiddo (21 months old) and i got home, she looked up at the porch and had this puzzled look on her face and said "buteyes flag?", i had to put it back up as soon as we walked in the door!
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Lou270slant;948379; said:
Been a couple of years ago, but I got called into my son's pre-school class to discuss why my son stood on his chair and yelled "MICHIGAN SUCKS!!" to a kid that walked into the class in a scUM shirt...I was never so proud!



I think you get my vote for "winner." Actually, you all "win." But this one was the funniest because I can picture a guy sitting there talking to a pre-school teacher (trying to sit in one of those tiny seats), basically stupified as to what the kid did wrong in the first place, and blaming the other kid for the whole thing.
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