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Jury acquits lawn tractor driver of DUI


Screw Blue
hopefully he didn't screw up the lines in the yard...


A Hydeville man was acquitted Thursday of charges he drove drunk on a riding lawnmower ? although one state official maintains the DUI law applies to such vehicles.

A jury deliberated for less than an hour before finding Raymond M. Jensen, 48, innocent of a single felony count of DUI.

Jensen was arrested in July by police who said they saw him driving a 1968 Cub Cadet lawnmower on Blissville Road in Castleton. Court records said his blood-alcohol level was measured at 0.16 ? twice the legal driving limit in Vermont.

Jensen, who has three previous DUI convictions, allegedly told police he did not think he had done anything wrong
He wasn't just cutting his lawn, he was driving down a road on his way to another house.

That being said, it's a fuckin' lawn mower. I don't think it should be considered a "motor vehicle" unless you can do a burnout in it, or it's a Ford.
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When I was in college, I took one of my friend's bikes to get some late night food, and I got drilled by an SUV on the way there. The EMS crew cut the clothes off my body, I got to spend the night in the ER, didn't get my food, and a week later, a cop came to my door and told me he could've given me a DUI, but he decided against it because I got hit. I got stuck with court costs and a citation because the bike didn't have a blinking light. Just the fact that I could've gotten a DUI for riding a bike is retarded. The cop was like, "You know, I could've given you a DUI. Your BAC was extremely high. However, I took it into account that you used at least some better judgement and didn't drive a car, plus you got run over, so I'm only issuing you a citation for not having the proper bike safety reflectors and lights." Thanks dude, I appreciate it.
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BUCKYLE;749547; said:
He wasn't just cutting his lawn, he was driving down a road on his way to another house.

That being said, it's a fuckin' lawn mower. I don't think it should be considered a "motor vehicle" unless you can do a burnout in it, or it's a Ford.

I'd agree up to the point he engaged the blades and ran someone over.
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Romanowski;749606; said:
When I was in college, I took one of my friend's bikes to get some late night food, and I got drilled by an SUV on the way there. The EMS crew cut the clothes off my body, I got to spend the night in the ER, didn't get my food, and a week later, a cop came to my door and told me he could've given me a DUI, but he decided against it because I got hit. I got stuck with court costs and a citation because the bike didn't have a blinking light. Just the fact that I could've gotten a DUI for riding a bike is retarded. The cop was like, "You know, I could've given you a DUI. Your BAC was extremely high. However, I took it into account that you used at least some better judgement and didn't drive a car, plus you got run over, so I'm only issuing you a citation for not having the proper bike safety reflectors and lights." Thanks dude, I appreciate it.

Translation: cop's friend was driving the SUV.
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JoJaBuckeye;749763; said:
Translation: cop's friend was driving the SUV.
The guy got 6 months in jail for hitting me...he was driving with a suspended license, and after he hit me and I got up off the ground, he drove away. People got his plates and he later turned himself in. The cops definitely knew who the guy was...towny trash. His girlfriend went to court with him, and she was kicked out of the court room for being obnoxious and disorderly. Alliance, otherwise known widely as the armpit of Ohio, has quality residents...seemed like people from the hills of billy decided to try to form a town and voila, Alliance was created.
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