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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

Deety;1859375; said:
First, Tressel would not approve of such a use of legislative power.

Second, legislation is unnecessary when he already holds the deed to that sinkhole. :p

:biggrin: Haven't you ever crossed the border into M@ch*g!n and looked up at the highway sign that says "Welcome to Michigan...property of Jim Tressel?" :biggrin:
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NFBuck;1858806; said:
Can't believe it's been a decade. I remember hearing he was hired (I was living in the UK at the time) and telling everybody Tressel would have this program turned around very quickly. Now, 106 wins, a National Title, 7 B10 Titles and 9 wins against scUM, and 8 BCS Bowls later, I guess I was right.

When JT was hired, I admit, I had my doubts...until I heard his basketball game halftime introduction...then it was quite clear to me that he was the man for the job!

Thank you Coach for all you do! Go Bucks!
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Tressel coaches more than football
Peers overwhelmingly name Buckeyes' coach tops in state
Sunday, January 30, 2011
By Mark Znidar

As an upperclassman who was chosen to act as a "big brother" to younger Ohio State players, defensive tackle Dexter Larimore sometimes asked coach Jim Tressel about disciplining those who stepped out of line.

One of Larimore's little brothers was Solomon Thomas, a gifted but immature defensive lineman from West Chester.

"Coach Tress told me that you have to stick with guys and let them grow," Larimore said. "He said people are going to make mistakes when they are young. Coach Tress does not give up on people. He not only wants you to be a good player, but good for society by the time you are a senior. He wants you to be ready to hold down a job and raise a family. He makes you think, 'Is the silly stuff worth it?'"

Larimore didn't think Thomas was going to make it no matter how many chances Tressel gave him.

"Solomon was a very immature guy, but Coach stuck with him," Larimore said. "I can't fathom how far Solomon has come. Personally, I thought about giving up on him. His transformation has been amazing."

Senior offensive lineman Andrew Miller said Tressel remains the same man who recruited him out of Washington, Pa.

"From the beginning until now, Coach Tress and his staff didn't change one bit," Miller said. "They have respect for you. They were honest and true then, and they are honest and true now. They have never sugarcoated things. They say to have fun, yes, but this is what we're after and this is what's on the table. They never promised glitz. There has never been glitz. They knew they were selling a superior product like Mercedes-Benz. They didn't have to talk about the competition, only Ohio State."

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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF0GHbVlkzk"]YouTube - Jim Tressel Talks About the 2011 Recruiting Class[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDaVhr7FbLc"]YouTube - Jim Tressel Answers Questions[/ame]
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While I think this may be unpopular, as much as I love Jim Tressel he needs to stop calling the plays if Bollman remains the OC. Tressel looked brilliant at the start of the Arkansas game, we were moving the ball and taking shots down the field. I think this gameplan was largely created by Darell Hazell, who moved on to Kent State. Then Tressel almost lost us the game in the second half with his conservative playcalling.

Tressel is one of the Nation's best head coaches for sure, but I think we need an OC to call plays and put up points. When Hazell was calling plays, it was obviously a different game plan than what Tressel was running. I would really like to see someone like Drayton or Siciliano step up and take over the reigns a bit. Tressel knows more than me, but I would hate to see us lose a game early this season by running the same conservative offense I saw in the second half of the Arkansas game.
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wh2332;1870276; said:
While I think this may be unpopular, as much as I love Jim Tressel he needs to stop calling the plays if Bollman remains the OC. Tressel looked brilliant at the start of the Arkansas game, we were moving the ball and taking shots down the field. I think this gameplan was largely created by Darell Hazell, who moved on to Kent State. Then Tressel almost lost us the game in the second half with his conservative playcalling.

Tressel is one of the Nation's best head coaches for sure, but I think we need an OC to call plays and put up points. When Hazell was calling plays, it was obviously a different game plan than what Tressel was running. I would really like to see someone like Drayton or Siciliano step up and take over the reigns a bit. Tressel knows more than me, but I would hate to see us lose a game early this season by running the same conservative offense I saw in the second half of the Arkansas game.
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