white jersey in the arizona sun helps prove your point with the gray and white pants.. fact is alot of fans didnt even notice the change, im not saying one of you on this board are those fans, alot of people had no idea.
Red Jerseys in sun (Ohio Stadium)
Whites on a cloudy day (at IU)
My video card here at the office sucks and everything is much darker so i hope these look as gray to you as they do to me
Jwins, im not saying the pants look good.. i prefer the old ones, these pictures seem a bit more objective, IMO.. and the picture of zwick, even on this dull video card look very white.. i hope we make them a little darker and without the bleed through effect
The biggest thing I notice is everyone (not here, but the dispatch, other message boards, and people I've talked too) is that "we are scarlet and gray, not scarlet and black" .. if this is how you really feel make some petitions to change the helmets to gray and don't bitch about the pants being gray. The helmet and (old) pants look good with the "flick" (silver) in them, but those arn't our colors either. We are not scarlet and silver anymore than we are scarlet and black.
I prefer the old pants and old jerseys.. i think it's interesting that woody won 3 in diffrent uni's.. and jt won it in a style diffrent from the 68 team. No doubt paul browns buckeyes didnt wear a style similar to any after him.. perhaps our uni's are cursed and are good for one title a peice
if we win this year, do we change? Maybe our night game curse left with the old uni's too .. i hope and while i'm at it we can have bye weeks too now