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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

buxfan4life;1967282; said:
I wish they would just go back to these and be done with it.


+1. I want BIG shoulder numbers. :lol:
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Buckeye Maniac;1972821; said:
I'd prefer having to deal with Boise fans than Georgia winning. If the SEC went 0fer in OOC I would be very happy.
Then join me in wishing for a close Georgia win on a contested call late in the game. Everyone will be unhappy and we can make fun of both the winners and losers on multiple levels...but Boise School of Tractor-Trailer Driving will forever (this year anyway) be knocked out of the BCS picture.

Helen Hunt and the Poodles will implode a few weeks later, and the world will be a better, happier place.
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