You can send model student athletes packing because you like the potential of a high schooler more.
Well, to this point as it relates to the football team itself (the university itself could just take them back if it's all fiction and they want to finish school), my impression here is that Day has enough information to cut ties with them.... Keeping in mind they are seniors in eligibility (if I'm wrong about that someone point it out, though one could burn a redshirt maybe) so, at some point there's a clock ticking to earn your way back... So my guess is, whatever Day understands to be the facts here*, at minimum I'd imagine that the consequences run out the clock. I mean the legal process here is probably going to mostly run it out, no?
*Just as an example of the "facts" might be conduct the players are known to have engaged in, regardless of whether that leads to a criminal conviction or not.
To clarify, my opinion is that these guys did some really bad stuff, are in real trouble and i have no interest in having them around ever, at all.
My point here is simply that I think the evidence we seem to know suggests the best case scenario, for them, still means they won't be playing football anymore.