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Snow: Take it or Leave it?

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I like the snow, but I hate the drive to work in the morning. A couple of years ago on the last day of work for x-mas vacation we had a damm ice storm, which took me 2 hours to defrost and scrap the ice off my ride. It took me a few hours to get home in the morning. I only lived a few miles away, it was unreal and to top it off I had no power at the house.
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I love to ski, so snow is great. However, it is only great in small doses.

To all you bastards living in tropical climates (FUCK YOU!!!!) wtf do you do for a living, and how can I get into whatever it is you guys do so I can live there? Also do you guys ever get tired of having no seasons?
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You do not want to live where I do June through September. Hurricanes and hotter than hell with humidity. It is not a paradise that is for sure. It did snow/sleet here a few years ago on Christmas. My youngest had never seen snow.

We have seasons, summer, one month of fall, one week of winter and one month of spring.:tongue2:
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we have seasons too... hurricane season, brush fire season and tourist season. I do miss fall though. It was 66 when I left for work early yesterday moring and when I walked out side it actually felt cool. :lol: Some people are freaking out because a cold front is coming and it could get down to the 50's.... Since it has been a little cooler and less humid people are turnig off their A/C for the first time since March.

and Rocketman... you don't want to do what I do... I hardly make enough to live down here :tongue2:
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Always have loved snow and still love the white stuff! Living in NE Ohio, I get to experience the wonder of lake effect snow. Today, we had some snow, some honest to goodness lake effect snow showers. For a brief moment, there was a little bit of white on the ground, then it stopped snowing and quickly vanished. However, during football practice tonight it snowed for a few minutes, which is always great, and snowed a little more on the way home. I am 42, still believe that I am in my 20's, but when it snows I regress to being a full-fledged kid again!

From '91-'94 we lived in Phoenix. Yes, Phoenix does have seasons with a temperature range about as large as NE Ohio except the sinusoidal graph that would model the temps is shifted up quite a bit. After moving back to Ohio in September 1994, I was absolutely blown away that fall season at how damn beautiful this state is in the fall! In about 2-3 weeks, the trees on our street will be a wonderful golden color (maples that are huge) and in the afternoon when the sun is out, it looks like everything is glowing due to the vibrant colors.
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Bucky Katt;631824; said:
Tornado one day, snow the next. Ridiculous.

Umm that's kinda how it works...cold front hitting pre-existing warm front and all that. :wink:

NFBuck;632122; said:
Beautiful here in Seoul. Sunny today, high in low seventies with lows in the upper forties. My favorite time of year.:biggrin:

It's the fallout that keeps ya toasty
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"It's the fallout that keeps ya toasty"

Must be the food!
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Yep football practice was hell today. A very cold hell that is.

Water puddles on the field only made it worse for unlucky players that would fall into the puddles and be wet for the rest of practice.:(

I hear the forcast for Football Friday Nite is more cold and snow. Just great..........
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