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It's going to be Michigan, whats everyones thoughts?

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;676470; said:
I think, frankly, the pollsters will do what they need to do to ensure no rematch. Just my hunch. I mean, Florida did just beat the #8 team in the nation by 10. Is that enough to jump Michigan? Probably not, if it wasn't the last regular season poll of the year.
Y'know, I agree, but the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if they'll keep Michigan up there so as to rev up the playoff talk again. Probably far-fetched, and by no means to be taken as a roundabout way of wanting Michigan in the title game, because I don't ever want a playoff.
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Big 10 fans argue against a playoff because it might make the scUM/oSU game irrelevant.

Well, we don't have a playoff, and it looks like the OSU/scUM game is irrelevant anyway, so let's just the playoff started.
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HailToMichigan;676472; said:
Y'know, I agree, but the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if they'll keep Michigan up there so as to rev up the playoff talk again. Probably far-fetched, and by no means to be taken as a roundabout way of wanting Michigan in the title game, because I don't ever want a playoff.

Not sure the pollsters are in favor of a playoff. I mean, sure, there are going to be some... but I don't know that a playoff is necessarily in favor with them (as opposed to the media, for example)

I guess we'll find out. :biggrin:
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both schools get 16k seats. 85K stadium. 53K Season/PSL Ticket holders. tOSU has purchased at least 80% of the "open" tickets.
Homish game no doubt. Plus if it's mich they're afraid of us and if it's Fla they don't travel like us.
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During the 3rd Quarter of the UF Ark game I was convinced that noone outside of scUM actually wanted to play us. The good news is by "scoring" 38 points UF may have fooled the Pollsters into thinking they have a good offense. And after watching the game I'm excited about the Tressel-Meyer match-up. He's not a very good game coach, that's for certain. I have been quite certain that out of three teams UF was the worst team. Nothing that happened today has changed that.
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I have four nieces, whom I love dearly, who graduated from Gainesville... I hate to piss on their holidays, but business is business and while I still feel that Michigan is the second best team in the land, as they will prove by cleaning USCs clock in the Rose Bowl, I do believe that Florida will get the NC chance, otherwise the SEC will have a shit hemmorage.

Big 10 1, 2...On Wisconsin!!!
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another question: do you think that tressel puked in his mouth a little when meyer opted for the fake punt from their own 15 with 6:33 to go in the 3rd quarter, being down only 21-17?!?

kudos for the chutzpah, urban... but you're an idiot.
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HailToMichigan;676399; said:
I pretty much completely agree. Michigan is in a no-win situation in a rematch because of situations like this.

BUT....when people talk like this, it almost makes it sound like OSU fans were wishing they'd lost. I know no Buckeye fan in the world would trade the win for the notion that they don't have to win a double-elimination to win the title.

LOL, I was all excited that a Michigan Fan agreed with me until I got to the last paragraph. :P

No, I don't wish that we lost. I just find it unfair that we would have to beat Michigan twice for the National Championship. (Okay, yeah I have two girls and I play the fair/unfair game with them quite a bit. So sue me. :P )

While they get a rematch, and if they beat us, then they would get the National Championship.
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