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It's going to be Michigan, whats everyones thoughts?

Crystal76;676356; said:
I guess my issues with it is this. Say we get a rematch. Ohio State VS. Michigan. We have to beat them twice to get a National Chamionship...

Now, let's say the star aline, and everything goes perfect for Michigan and they beat us....

They win the Championship outright. Nevermind the fact we already beat them during the season.

Say they beat us by 3. Will the Michigan faithful be shouting rematch? Nope. Cause they get to bring the hardware back home. Leaving our players who already beat them in the regular season runners up.

So, no I don't like the idea of a rematch.
I pretty much completely agree. Michigan is in a no-win situation in a rematch because of situations like this.

BUT....when people talk like this, it almost makes it sound like OSU fans were wishing they'd lost. I know no Buckeye fan in the world would trade the win for the notion that they don't have to win a double-elimination to win the title.
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HailToMichigan;676399; said:
I pretty much completely agree. Michigan is in a no-win situation in a rematch because of situations like this.

Michigan is far from a "no-win" situation, in fact they are clearly in a "no-lose" situation. If they win against a team they just lost to--in a game that wasn't quite as close as the final score--they get to bring home the NC trophy regardless of what anyone else says...if they lose, then it's not much of an embarrassment since they had already lost to Ohio State.
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I said it with regard to Nebraska in 2001, Oklahoma in 2003, and I'll say it now with regard to Michigan... if you don't win your conference, you cannot (read: should not) have a shot at the title. Period.

That said, I'm convinced that Michigan is the only team that truly "deserves" a chance against the Buckeyes in Glendale. That is, Michigan is #2 in the nation. But, as above, the failure to win their conference, in my mind, should trump.
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Best Buckeye;676396; said:
If we have to play them I have no fears. Tsun KNOWS we beat them and will beat them again. That will affect their minds. But we don't need that.
we have the team and the talent. Bring them on. we know we can beat anyone out there. The only question is who.
Let's Boogie....

That was well said. I agree 100%. I personally would like to kick the Scum's butts twice in one year. If its not the Scum bring on FL they are going down.
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Really this isn't much different than if Ohio State would win the Big 10 (regular season) in basketball and have play Michigan in the Big 10 Tournament title game and then in the NCAA Championship game. Odds of it happening are about the same any given year and it just the way the cookie crumbles. I don't like the rematch either just because it takes away from the importance of the 1st win, but honestly who else would you put in there? (if Florida loses) They deserve it.
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MililaniBuckeye;676411; said:
Michigan is far from a "no-win" situation, in fact they are clearly in a "no-lose" situation. If they win against a team they just lost to--in a game that wasn't quite as close as the final score--they get to bring home the NC trophy regardless of what anyone else says...if they lose, then it's not much of an embarrassment since they had already lost to Ohio State.
"Not much of an embarrassment"??

The hell I want to lose twice to OSU in one year. That's the very definition of embarrassing. No offense, I don't mean it like losing to FIU is embarrassing.....it's the rivalry thing. You wouldn't like it at all if Michigan beat OSU twice in a year.

I just don't see how it's no-lose for Michigan. I sure don't want to lose and hear all the Troy Smith is 4-0, Carr is 1-6, etc. etc. etc. And if we win, there would be a lot of people, not just OSU fans, bringing up the point about double-vs.-single elimination and all variants thereof.
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Michigan is far from a "no-win" situation, in fact they are clearly in a "no-lose" situation. If they win against a team they just lost to--in a game that wasn't quite as close as the final score--they get to bring home the NC trophy regardless of what anyone else says...if they lose, then it's not much of an embarrassment since they had already lost to Ohio State.
I don't agree. Michigan fans i've talked to get sick when I say Ohio State could end up beating them twice in the same season. That's QUITE A LOT TO LOSE. Say we play Michigan, and we win...anytime Michigan fans try to bring up anything about their past against Ohio State...like series record or the 90s or anything...all you'd have to say is 2006 season...and that's the end of the story.

Put yourself in their shoes. SURE you want to play them again...if the Buckeyes were in their shoes we sure as heck would want to play them. BUT...losing to them twice in the same season...it would hurt more than twice as bad.

It's going to be close as to if it is Florida or it is Michigan...but if it is Michigan...remember these points...

Ohio State would win!
It's Tressel!
It's Troy!!!
It's the Weasels...with Carr and Henne.
Mike Hart popped his mouth off after The Game...Ohio State handled victory with class.
These seniors could beat Michigan four times in a row.
Michigan SUCKS in bowl games!
Lloyd Carr doesn't know what he's doing against Ohio State...and he doesn't know what he is doing in bowl games.
Jim Tressel is a sweater vest God against Michigan...and OWNS the BCS.
Ohio State would beat Michigan...again!
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HailToMichigan;676447; said:
"Not much of an embarrassment"??

The hell I want to lose twice to OSU in one year. That's the very definition of embarrassing. No offense, I don't mean it like losing to FIU is embarrassing.....it's the rivalry thing. You wouldn't like it at all if Michigan beat OSU twice in a year.

I just don't see how it's no-lose for Michigan. I sure don't want to lose and hear all the Troy Smith is 4-0, Carr is 1-6, etc. etc. etc. And if we win, there would be a lot of people, not just OSU fans, bringing up the point about double-vs.-single elimination and all variants thereof.

It's not an embarrassment in that we're #1 and have already beat you, so no one expects you to win the second time around. Losing in a game that you really shouldn't be in--legit #2 team in the nation or not--isn't an embarrassment. Disappointing for Michigan fans, yes...
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;676415; said:
I said it with regard to Nebraska in 2001, Oklahoma in 2003, and I'll say it now with regard to Michigan... if you don't win your conference, you cannot (read: should not) have a shot at the title. Period.

Agree 100%!

That said, I'm convinced that Michigan is the only team that truly "deserves" a chance against the Buckeyes in Glendale. That is, Michigan is #2 in the nation. But, as above, the failure to win their conference, in my mind, should trump.

I would argue that there is no way anyone can honestly say Michigan is better than Florida (hence deserving the #2 ranking) without seeing the two teams play. Since we will never see that game, saying Michigan is #2 is pure speculation on everyone's part. Maybe informed and educated, but still speculation.

This is why I agree with your main point 100%. Since we don't have a playoff system, then the conference championship has to play into the equation of who gets to the national title game.
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MililaniBuckeye;676455; said:
It's not an embarrassment in that we're #1 and have already beat you, so no one expects you to win the second time around. Losing in a game that you really shouldn't be in--legit #2 team in the nation or not--isn't an embarrassment. Disappointing for Michigan fans, yes...
I've got an Ohio State fan for a cousin. It's just like JonathonXC said. I don't want "2006" spouted at me like Yankees fans used to toss "1918" at Red Sox fans.
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I dig what you're saying, Grad..... There is nothing but speculation to make me think Michigan is better than Florida. Still, since they haven't played, and wont, it's all I've got. :wink2:

I think, frankly, the pollsters will do what they need to do to ensure no rematch. Just my hunch. I mean, Florida did just beat the #8 team in the nation by 10. Is that enough to jump Michigan? Probably not, if it wasn't the last regular season poll of the year.
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In 2002, we had a huge edge in the crowd mainly because Cryami has no real fans.

If we play Florida or scUM, will the crowd be 50/50? Or does the fact that our rich alumni had a 2 week headstart in getting tickets on stubhub/ebay give us an edge?
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