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Iowa Hawkeyes (Official Thread of The Under)

QB Cade McNamara says he’s 100% healthy and ready to be back with Iowa’s offense​


Tim Lester has had nearly six months to come up with potential fixes for the moribund Iowa offense, but the key for the Hawkeyes’ new offensive coordinator might be just having a healthy starting quarterback.

That should be Cade McNamara, who started five games last season before a knee injury and subsequent surgery sidelined him for the rest of the year.

It’s why McNamara, in his sixth college season, made sure to emphasize he is “100%” healthy during summer workouts, as he and the rest of the Hawkeyes go through the process of learning Lester’s new offense.

“Overall, in general, I feel pretty good,” McNamara said. “This is my first time at Iowa where I’m able to participate in every training phase, every activity, every drill. So far, I’m a little more sore than I usually am. But so far, my body has handled it well.”

Iowa won 10 games and the Big Ten West Division title last season despite having an offense that ranked last among Football Bowl Subdivision teams in total offense and team passing efficiency, 129th in scoring offense at 15.4 points per game, and 127th in passing offense. That led to the midseason decision to fire offensive coordinator Brian Ferentz, the son of Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz, although he was allowed to finish the season.
Wow he’s been in college since Kurt Warner was playing and his return is guaranteed to ensure that the Iowa offense will resemble the “Greatest Show on Turf” again.
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