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Iona +13.5 vs tOSU at Dayton (ov/un 145.5) Fri 7:15 pm CBS

dragurd;2318647; said:
'Going to a movie during the NCAA's for shame....

And same thing that got OSU in trouble this year. Start off great get a big lead and relax and stop playing the same D.

With my weird work hours don't get a chance to go anymore, so yes, I'm taking off first half of a first rd game for it
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I can see us switching up defenses occasionally in the 2nd half and playing some zone with Amir parked under the basket.

OSU_Buckguy;2318636; said:
horrible defensive execution in the second portion of the first half. the bucks gave up 25 points in the final 8:30. we let them penetrate at will, while iona was exploiting ravenel's isolation defense. like ryan does at wisconsin and carmody did at northwestern, iona's coach kept his players at the elbow or higher and minimized our help defense on basket cuts/drives.
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