Kurt Sexington
I was just reading an article by Terry Bowden on Rivals and he cites an interesting conversation he had with his father several years ago about gameday preparation, which allegedly went like this:
"Remember this, Terry, no matter how hard you try, you are not going to be able to get your kids mentally ready to play every week," he said. "Football is a game that must be played with great emotion, and your boys can only get up for so many games a year.
"That's why you better always be fundamentally sound. You better take care of the little things and be able to block and tackle because some days they're just not going to be ready to play."
In the wake of the Ohio letdown for you guys and in the wake of the Stanford game for SC last year, this nugget of wisdom is worthy of consideration. There seems to be a feeling amongst the fans of elite teams that their teams' players should naturally be "up" for every game on the calendar and should be able to roll their weaker opponents no problem. But as Bowden points out, the team Tressel fielded against Ohio and Youngstown State just is not the same as the one he is going to field against USC for the simple reason that no matter how hard Tressel may have tried, there was just not way he could have ever fired up his boys for a game against Ohio or YState in the same way as a match up against SC.
I think Bowden's point is good and it certainly would have been a useful read for me over the past few years as SC struggled or lost against some truly bad teams in the Pac Ten. There's a tendency to think that CFB teams play in a vacuum--what they do one week will naturally transfer over to the next week and the week after that. But more than anything CFB is a game of emotion and no matter how hard you try you just can't get a team to carry over the same level of intensity from one game to the next, to the next.
This might not have warranted a new thread but I thought it was a really interesting insight on the psychology of sport and it also explains why I've been saying all week long that the Buckeyes will be ready for this game.
Here's the link to the article:Rivals.com College Football - Bowden: Ohio State will be ready ... and win
"Remember this, Terry, no matter how hard you try, you are not going to be able to get your kids mentally ready to play every week," he said. "Football is a game that must be played with great emotion, and your boys can only get up for so many games a year.
"That's why you better always be fundamentally sound. You better take care of the little things and be able to block and tackle because some days they're just not going to be ready to play."
In the wake of the Ohio letdown for you guys and in the wake of the Stanford game for SC last year, this nugget of wisdom is worthy of consideration. There seems to be a feeling amongst the fans of elite teams that their teams' players should naturally be "up" for every game on the calendar and should be able to roll their weaker opponents no problem. But as Bowden points out, the team Tressel fielded against Ohio and Youngstown State just is not the same as the one he is going to field against USC for the simple reason that no matter how hard Tressel may have tried, there was just not way he could have ever fired up his boys for a game against Ohio or YState in the same way as a match up against SC.
I think Bowden's point is good and it certainly would have been a useful read for me over the past few years as SC struggled or lost against some truly bad teams in the Pac Ten. There's a tendency to think that CFB teams play in a vacuum--what they do one week will naturally transfer over to the next week and the week after that. But more than anything CFB is a game of emotion and no matter how hard you try you just can't get a team to carry over the same level of intensity from one game to the next, to the next.
This might not have warranted a new thread but I thought it was a really interesting insight on the psychology of sport and it also explains why I've been saying all week long that the Buckeyes will be ready for this game.
Here's the link to the article:Rivals.com College Football - Bowden: Ohio State will be ready ... and win