might be time to start a thread for Styles, Jr.
Lorenzo Styles adds Michigan offer, talks Ohio State trip
Lorenzo Styles, a budding star at Pickerington Central High School, was also at Ohio State this past weekend. His father Lorenzo played at Ohio State, so the 6-foot-1, 190-pound sophomore is no stranger to the lore around The Game. Still, being there in person for it was a wholly different experience.
“The atmosphere was so amazing,” Styles told Lettermen Row. “Being from Ohio, The Game definitely lived up to the hype. The visit was great.”
Styles was offered by Michigan on Tuesday, another big-time offer for a player who has started to turn into a national prospect. Notre Dame was his first offer, but the Buckeyes are still in evaluation mode. That’s kind of the norm when it comes to Ohio State and in-state players. Last weekend was just one more building block in the developing relationship between Styles and a handful of coaches.
“I talked to [receivers] Coach [Brian] Hartline, [safeties] Coach [Alex] Grinch, and [Ohio State staff member] Coach [Tim] Hinton for a little bit pre-and-postgame,” Styles said. “The first visit I had [Oct. 6 for the Indiana game] was more in-depth conversations with those coaches and others, but I understand that Saturday was a huge game.
“After such a big win it was exciting. The whole program, as well as most of the state, was excited about this win. That feeling of being apart of something so big … man.”
Where most kids visiting for that game are getting their first taste of what it means to be a Buckeye, Styles is obviously familiar. The recent offer from Michigan is also important for a player set on exploring his options for college. He’s hoping that Ohio State offers and knows it is interested.
“I’ve always known what Ohio State is because my dad played there and shared stories with me about Ohio State,” Styles said. “It’s a program that will always be able to compete. For every good athlete they have on the field, they have another one waiting to get on the field. It’s what makes them successful.
“The Michigan offer really means a lot to me. It’s a Big Ten school and it has a lot to offer in the classroom as well as on the field. The coaching staff from Ohio State and myself always have conversations consisting of how I am and how the season is, so it appears they have a great interest in me as well. Only time will tell though. I’m blessed to have the offers I have as a sophomore. I’m going to continue to work hard on improving myself as a player and get familiar with programs so I can make a decision when the time is right.”
Michigan has made a concerted effort to have a bigger impact in Ohio in recent months, and early offers to players like Styles are a good way to keep up that momentum.