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IF Michigan stays putrid, how long will it......

GrandpaBob;1805431; said:
be the one and only rivalry to Ohio State?

[censored] [censored]ing Michigan and the [censored]ing horse they [censored]ing rode the [censored] in on....they might [censored]ing think they aren't a [censored]ing rival with Ohio STate but that's their [censored]ing arrogance [censored]ing talking the [censored]ing [censored]sticks. These [censored]ers can downplay the series with Ohio STate, but the [censored]ing point is these [censored]ers KNOW they have to [censored]ing diminish the [censored]ing game they can't [censored]ing win to save their [censored]ing pathetic worthless [censored]ing lives.

I keep waiting for UM to turn it around but...................
You're going to be waiting a LOOONNNNGGGGG [censored]ing time, Rumple-[censored]ing-stiltskin.

Bo's gotta be turning in his grave!!
Bo never won a National Title. Bo also went 5-12 in bowl games and had more seasons with 2 or more losses than anything else. Bo's reign was an upward spike in an otherwise large downward trend that's been going on since the 30s.

Personally, I think it's healthy for BOTH schools to be great.
[censored] [censored]ing Michigan. I don't give a shit if they've [censored]ing lose 100 [censored]ing games in a row, I want the Buckeyes to [censored] their world up. [censored] wanting them to be great.

What say you?
[censored] Michigan.
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BuckWrestler141;1805514; said:
I'm ok with Michigan being in the dumps until we catch them in the head to head record. That's something i'd like to see i my lifetime, I never assumed I had a chance of doing that seven years ago.

This x1000000

Fuck those arrogant fucking skunkbears. I hope we take the lead in the series by a season or two before they even get close to sniffing a decent bowl game again. Deep down those fuckers know we're their rival. They're backed into a corner and trying to get out, but they can stay there for all I care. One thing is for sure, we'll be pounding them back into that corner every year for a while to come.

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GrandpaBob;1805431; said:
be the one and only rivalry to Ohio State?

I keep waiting for UM to turn it around but...................

Bo's gotta be turning in his grave!!

Personally, I think it's healthy for BOTH schools to be great.

What say you?

Three facts of life that will never change:

1) The bear [censored]s in the woods

2) Michigan SUCKS

3) Michigan is our biggest rivalry

Michigan has sucked for years, we know it; and heck, they even know it (see paper below). This hasn't changed the fact that they are our main rival. They always have been and always will be the main rivalry.

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I was hoping to have an intelligent debate. I find that's impossible so cya.
Well I think people gave you the answer in a rather large consensus. Michigan will always be our main rival until the generation that posts "Fuck Michigan" on this here BP board and the countless other Buckeyes in the fan-base are dead.

Its irrelevant to have both schools be good/great during the season. They are hated, they hate us. I think in general it is good for the Big Ten to have Michigan be competitive, and what is good for the Big Ten is good for Ohio State... however on a personal basis, if Indiana were to replace Michigan on the "national scene" and continue the make the Big Ten competitive and favorably "perceived" then I'd be ok with that too. As long as we get a chance to crush Michigan.

Fuck Michigan.
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If they keep DickRod and get a competent defensive coordinator I think they'll be competitive sooner rather than later...which will make kicking their asses even sweeter.

Fuck the Skunkbears. :evil:
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Bob, if you want an intelligent debate, then ask an intelligent question. No offense, but this issue has been beat to death on this board for the six years I've been around BP.

Let me put it succinctly. The Ohio State University football team does not need M*ch*g*n to be good to validate Buckeye greatness. Period.

Name one great college footbal team in recent history that truly "needed" their rival to be good in order to legitimize their greatness.

The two most important things in college football is to win your conference and beat your rival. If tOSU beats M*ch*g*n the next 100 times, it would not diminish the rivalry. Those pinheads up north are still yapping about beating our asses in the leather helmet era. Fuck 'em.
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