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IE7 Beta released to public

Scroll all the way down to "Windows XP - Software Updates"...it'll be the very last one.
I already did that. I uninstalled IE7 from there and then IE6 says it won't run because a newer version of IE is installed.

BuckeyeSkins said:
I'm certainly not as computer savvy as many others here but couldn't you just as easily pick a restore point prior to downloading IE7?
There's no restore point... I was putting updates on a ghost image. IE was the last thing I did (this computer's for web development and I wanted to have it to test pages on the new IE as well, just to see how they're rendered). I could just get the image again and start over. That's not gonna happen. I spent too much time patching software and adding new programs to do that.

I'm heading in soon to work on it. I'll try a few of these suggestions. It will work.
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