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I wanna turn it around: congrats to tOSU fans...

Just wondering.... if our fans were so well behaved because of last year... what goes on when when Ol' Miss comes to Red Stick, or have the rebles been down so long it no longer matters. I understand that the Tennessee - Alabama rivalry gets very bitter... if Tiger fans were especially friendlyas a result of Katrina relief, Ron Brown excluded, i.e. nothing like needing a helping hand to grow appreciative of others. Any thoughts?
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cincibuck;1060469; said:
Just wondering.... if our fans were so well behaved because of last year... what goes on when when Ol' Miss comes to Red Stick, or have the rebles been down so long it no longer matters. I understand that the Tennessee - Alabama rivalry gets very bitter... if Tiger fans were especially friendlyas a result of Katrina relief, Ron Brown excluded, i.e. nothing like needing a helping hand to grow appreciative of others. Any thoughts?
Yeah, I don't believe you would be treated as cordially if you guys were in the SEC. Things tend to get a little more tense when a conference foe comes to town. As far as Ole Piss, it's not that big of a game to anyone under the age of 50 anymore. They're just not good enough to really get excited for.

I'm actually suprised a little at all the responses from OSU fans that they were treated well in New Orleans. Oklahoma fans still talk about how bad their trip to New Orleans was, and their horrible experience with our fan base. Glad to see you guys were treated w/ respect and enjoyed your trip.
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As bad as losing our 3rd National Championship game in the last 365 days was, it doesn't hurt so bad that this last one was to a school like LSU.

Your fan base seems like great folk. Your players present and represent the way that any University in the country would hope for. Basically, you gave me NO reason to hate you. Congrats on your win, and kudos on your gamesmanship.
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As bad as losing our 3rd National Championship game in the last 365 days was, it doesn't hurt so bad that this last one was to a school like LSU.

Your fan base seems like great folk. Your players present and represent the way that any University in the country would hope for. Basically, you gave me NO reason to hate you. Congrats on your win, and kudos on your gamesmanship.
*4th, men's soccer team lost in the NC game against Wake Forest. :(

After the game, we congratulated the three LSU fans next to us on their win and just kind of sulked in our hotel room. It was deja vu the feeling of going back to the hotel and watching SC only to wonder what happened.
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cincibuck;1060469; said:
what goes on when when Ol' Miss comes to Red Stick, or have the rebles been down so long it no longer matters.

Rebel fans are kinda snobbish "High Class" types. Not rude or obnoxious, actually, they are some really nice people, just kinda think they're richer and better than they are. Kinda weird considering the town of Oxford is nothing special, and neither is Ole Miss football.

Another aspect of mingling fan bases, I find it REALLY depends heavily on location of the game. At Va. Tech in '02, we were treated like absolute dogsh!t. Those guys were some of the rudest I've ever encountered. But when they came here this year, their fans were AWESOME. They really seemed to enjoy the atmosphere, and tried their best to mingle and get involved in the Tiger tailgating.
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LSU Jake;1060187; said:
Way to show up for your team. I and everyone I spoke with was impressed by the numbers and the good-natured attitude of the OSU fans in New Orleans... Regardless of the game's outcome you acquitted yourselves well and apparently don't need a victory to let everyone know you're a helluva fanbase.

thanks for the complement and same goes for ya'll, but i didn't realize we were charged with anything. i know there'd been a whole practice of summary lynchings down south, but i thought that went out of fashion after the Reconstruction... :biggrin:
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lsuroadie;1059496; said:
I spent four days in NOLA getting ready for the game, partying, eating, touring, and ran into some really classy people from Ohio. You're first class people and I hope you were treated to first class hospitality. Every time one of our jackass fans tried to rile you, you gave it back in a class way...tough to do on Bourbon.

No doubt about it, the Buckeyes in New Orleans were really classy people. One Buckeye I met even gave me a real Buckeye nut (he said he brought a whole bunch of them down to hand out to Tiger fans). I actually have the Buckeye nut right here. It's a pretty cool memento. How many of you Buckeye people have your own real Buckeye nut? What kind of stuff do y'all do with them? I've seen those necklaces made out of Buckeye nuts, and I've heard some people on here say they've been hit in the head with a Buckeye nut when they were children. Any other cool stories behind Buckeye nuts like this one I have here that I can tell my friends about?
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Keeping the nut in your pocket is supposed to bring good luck and money.

Popular hoodoo charm for gamblers!

Take a buckeye and drill a hole into it. Fill the hole with liquid mercury and seal it with wax. Carry it concealed in a mojo bag while playing at cards. Metallic quicksilver is used because Mercury is the god of games of chance and sleight of hand. Sometimes a silver "Mercury" dime is added to the bag to augment its mercurial power. Anointing the charm with Fast Luck oil likewise increases its efficacy. This same charm can also be made with a nutmeg or a whole John the Conqueror root.
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