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I need some serious help before I go postal


I hate tsun
‘18 Fantasy Baseball Champ
Site Supporter: VIP
I have been recording with the new Sony handycam that goes straight to mini-dvd.

I then copy those DVD's to my PC using the Sony Picture package software

I have Windows media center, windows media player and Sonic all pre loaded on this fucking computer and no matter how i try and fuck with it I simply cannot get it to burn the files from my PC to a disk.

I just don't fucking get it, always a file format issue.

Is there ONE piece of software I can go get that will just take care of this bullshit for me? Guys on here are doing all kinds of shit with digital media and I can't get the kids soccer games compiled from a bunch of little disks to 1 big one.

Please help.
Usually that just tells you it's a video clip. To see the extension, you'd have to go under your folder options in windows explorer, turn off "hide extensions for known file types"

Right, but wouldn't properties still tell you? I hate changing that option because whenever I rename anything it becomes a pain in the ass because if you leave out the suffix you get the good old "File" as your extension
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They were MPEGS after all.

OK so I downloaded the free 30 day of nero, recoded everything to Nero...now how in the hell do I burn it to disk? I'm guessing you have to buy the full blown package?
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No, I am assuming you want to be able to play it in your dvd players?

Just open Nero and choose your burning method. You would want to burn as a video disc, etc. Then just choose the file. Really shouldnt have to be any harder that that.
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No, I am assuming you want to be able to play it in your dvd players?

Just open Nero and choose your burning method. You would want to burn as a video disc, etc. Then just choose the file. Really shouldnt have to be any harder that that.

OK, I guess I am just a fucking retard but here are the 3 options for NeroI have:
Nero Media home CE
Nero Recode CE
Nero Showtime CE

I don't see a fucking thing in any of the 3 to burn to a disc.

the first one just wants to create some file share, thing and connect me to a server so others can view my files

the 2nd just takes whatever you have and recodes it and puts it into a folder on your pc

the 3rd is just a player.

I am at a loss.
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