Look, obviously a lot of disappointment can and should be felt, a lot of peoples perceptions about Tressel may have been altered drastically and for a guy so many look(ed) up to that can be tough.
At the end of the day I still believe it's the nature of the beast that is the real issue. The pressure to win is there, I wouldn't say Tressel has a "win at all costs" mentality, rather
* Tressel ultimately has always protected his players, he has never shown that he is not interested in their development both as players and as people. He's never cut anyone lose that didn't absolutely have to be. You compare that to guys like Les Miles, Nick Saban etc and the over signing junk where the players are pretty much cattle imo.
* Tressel hasn't been linked to paying street agents, players families or the players themselves in order to gain a competitive advantage on the field. When you look at the kids that have broken rules, Tressel was pretty much at the mercy of them..when you've got 105 kids more then 1 of them is likely to [censored] up.
The truth of the matter is that people want wins and success, no we don't want to be labeled in with the SEC and the junk that goes on at places like USC (and Oregon apparently). But at the same time..we do want to win and be entertained by our football team. How long would you be willing to sit here as the sacrificial lamb watching all of these other schools run over you while you waited for the NCAA to fix their [Mark May]?
At the end of the day, I'll take Tressel's integrity when it comes to doing all he can for the young men that risk their health and well beings to represent our university over a slight lack of integrity in regards to a GAME with a broken set of rules. We're still talking about players selling THEIR OWN POSSESSIONS (for fractions of what they are worth). Give me a break.
The thing that might alarm someone, if Tressel had less dignity then he does...is that it is pretty clear that Tressel is the big dog when it comes to this university. Gee sort of not so subtly joked about it ("I hope the coach doesn't fire me") but it was pretty perfectly clear watching the 3 of them together who the most important person in the room was. Fact of the matter is that Gee and Smith are much more replaceable then Tress is, and perhaps that's an alarming thing to see, but all the more reason I'm glad it's Tressel that's our head man and not some complete sleezeball like Saban.