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By the time I got it small enough to post it was so small that it wasn't worth posting. That make sense???

Yeah I think I see what you're having trouble with. You actually are gearing more toward shrinking the size of the file. But leaving it as a gif is going to make it much bigger than it needs to be. Just converting that big pic of woody to a jpg, cut the file size down to about 1/3. Then all I did was change the actual dimensions of the pic to 100X150 (which is the max size that BP allows as an avatar).

You always wanna start by converting your pic to a jpg, without a doubt. Then you can worry about changing the dimensions until you get it down to where you want it.
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I'm really not interested in using any pic as a signature, I merely want to be able to read a post, think of a pic I have stored or can quickly scan and get it on the page. Case in point, some0one started a joke about posts and folks started dropping in pics of fence posts, lamp posts, goal posts, post offices, trading posts, the New York Post. I had the picture of the National Guard standing outside the campus gates and I wanted to upload it... too big... and send it off as "Guard Post."

By the time I got it small enough to post it was so small that it wasn't worth posting. That make sense???

That's where you need to use Imageshack or some other free image hosting service...You upload your picture there from your computer. Once it's uploaded there, the site will give you the proper code to copy/paste into your post over here. The picture will then show up in your post...

Here's Imageshack...Go there and create a free account then follow the directions to activate the account. Once that is done, upload a pic. Once the pic is uploaded, go to "my images" and there will be some code options...Select the one that says "forums"...Copy/paste that into your post...

NOTE: There is a size limit (1024 kb) for free accounts. You may upload .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .swf, and .png image types. bmp, tif, and tiff images will be converted to .png automatically.

This is what I use BTW. It isn't instant, but once you get the hang of it, you can get your pic into a post over here rather quickly...I know exactly what thread you mean. This is how most people are posting pics in that thread I would imagine. If you don't like Imageshack, there are others out there as well. Photobucket is one I can think of off the top of my head...Your ISP may have a service that you can use also...
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I think the light just went on. I have images in my computer and on a website I maintain, but I didn't realize you could put an image in a post by use of an internet link. Will screw around with this later to day and see if I can get it to work. Thanks to all for the patience. As usual half the problem was in knowing what question(s) to ask.
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