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You kids stay off my lawn!
I've had nothing but trouble trying to load pics into messages or even add my Woody Hayes avatar. I keep getting the message that the files too big, yet I see bigger images all the time in other posts... so, how they do that?

Please answer in plain language and give me a step or two in the process from jpg file in my computer to on the BP screen image
Welp I could tell ya real quick if you can tell me how big the picture(s) is/are. But remember, that includes the actual size of the file (50k, etc), as well as the dimensions of it. I believe the largest avatar you can use it 150X100 or something to that effect. Are you able to see what the dimensions and size of your Woody avatar are?

Edit: Yeah just looked. It has to be no larger than 150X100 pixels, or 50kb in size. To find out what the size of your picture is, simply right click on it and go to properties. It wont show the dimensions under there, just the file size, but that's a good start anyway.
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Welp I could tell ya real quick if you can tell me how big the picture(s) is/are. But remember, that includes the actual size of the file (50k, etc), as well as the dimensions of it. I believe the largest avatar you can use it 150X100 or something to that effect. Are you able to see what the dimensions and size of your Woody avatar are?

Edit: Yeah just looked. It has to be no larger than 150X100 pixels, or 50kb in size. To find out what the size of your picture is, simply right click on it and go to properties. It wont show the dimensions under there, just the file size, but that's a good start anyway.

Ok, I know how to find out A X B... but I've tried something like your Duck Fuke picture and I get it canned for being too big and I can't.... are you using gif instead jpg? Do you compress it... if so how? I see stuff that is bigger (inches x inches) than what I want to post, but I get a "file too big" message.
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Here you go. I used Corel PhotoPaint to lower the resolution for the first pic and change the second to a .jpg with some compression. If you want the whole thing to show, try hosting it at Imageshack.com. There's an option to reduce the image size when hosting a pic, but you may still need to shrink the file size before hosting a very large file.

And ummmmm the cheer one has been posted before. :wink:


  • campus_gates_a.jpg
    27.9 KB · Views: 7
  • Cheer_a.jpg
    56.8 KB · Views: 12
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Ok, I know how to find out A X B... but I've tried something like your Duck Fuke picture and I get it canned for being too big and I can't.... are you using gif instead jpg? Do you compress it... if so how? I see stuff that is bigger (inches x inches) than what I want to post, but I get a "file too big" message.

If you upload a picture for your avatar, your sig, or into a post as an attachment, there are size limitations. But if you link a photo into your sig or into a post, then there are no size or dimension limits.

Check BrutusMaximus' sig pic...it's a link to an external photo and it's not uploaded to BP, so no size or dimension limit.
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I've had nothing but trouble trying to load pics into messages or even add my Woody Hayes avatar. I keep getting the message that the files too big, yet I see bigger images all the time in other posts... so, how they do that?

Please answer in plain language and give me a step or two in the process from jpg file in my computer to on the BP screen image

Make sure the photo is not copyrighted or you may be sued for libel.
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Most of it is my own stuff... And the pics deety was so kind as to post bear out my point that by the time I get the file down to the size that I can upload it it's no longer big enough to tell the story. I switched the guard in front of the campus gates to gif and it was still too big. Then I look at Milli's signature and I go WTF.
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Most of it is my own stuff... And the pics deety was so kind as to post bear out my point that by the time I get the file down to the size that I can upload it it's no longer big enough to tell the story. I switched the guard in front of the campus gates to gif and it was still too big. Then I look at Milli's signature and I go WTF.
You have to click the attachment thumbnails to get the full-size pic.

That's why adding the files at Imageshack and direct linking them here might be better - the full size will show right on the thread.
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Oh I didnt realize you were talking about even pics for a sig. Avatar size limitations are very different than that. Course like Mili said, I dont even know off hand what they are for a sig, because I never upload a pic, just link to it.

Most of it is my own stuff... And the pics deety was so kind as to post bear out my point that by the time I get the file down to the size that I can upload it it's no longer big enough to tell the story. I switched the guard in front of the campus gates to gif and it was still too big. Then I look at Milli's signature and I go WTF.

A jpg the size of my sig should be beyond tiny as far as file size goes. Would be like 75k max. A gif or a bmp of that size can be significantly bigger. No reason you should have trouble keeping a jpeg down to size though. If you can either attach an example, or even drop a link here to a specific example of a pic you'd like to use, could tell you alot easier.
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I've sent a couple of files to Deety... but they're too large to send to you using BP e-mail. Give me an address with your main mail and I'll attach a bunch and show you what I'm talking about.

I know how to convert from jpg to gif, but I don't know what the hell anybody is talking about when they say click on the thumbnails to make them bigger. upload as a thumbnail and then go into image properties once it's uploaded to BP and enlarge?
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Ight I took the pic of Woody for example. It was a .gif when you sent it to me, and was about 150k in size. First thing I did was convert it to a jpg, and that dropped it to 50k, which is plenty small enough for an avatar, as far as file size goes. Then I resized it to 100X150, which is the maximum size allowable for an avatar.

My question is, were you having this problem JUST using these pics as avatars? Or were you talking about signatures also. I will paste the 2 pics below. The first one at full size, as you sent it to me, and then the avatar sized one.



Now I personally think that large picture is too tall for a sig.........your posts would be enormous. But it could be resized down a bit and would work fine. I am not even sure if you can attach a pic to use as a signature, i have always linked to my own web host. Anyway, Discuss :biggrin:
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I took the pic of Woody for example. It was a .gif when you sent it to me, and was about 150k in size. First thing I did was convert it to a jpg, and that dropped it to 50k,(/quote)

gif to jpg? I thought jpgs ate up more file space.

(quote) Then I resized it to 100X150, which is the maximum size allowable for an avatar. (/QUOTE)

where? In BP? In photoshop? Before or after uploading to BP?

(quote) My question is, were you having this problem JUST using these pics as avatars? (/quote)

No, as you can see from my posts, I was able to squeeze Woody down to avatar size, but by the time I get it there it was so small that I wasn't sure anyone could figure out what the hell it was.

(quote) Or were you talking about signatures also. I will paste the 2 pics below. The first one at full size, as you sent it to me, and then the avatar sized one.(/quote)

I'm really not interested in using any pic as a signature, I merely want to be able to read a post, think of a pic I have stored or can quickly scan and get it on the page. Case in point, some0one started a joke about posts and folks started dropping in pics of fence posts, lamp posts, goal posts, post offices, trading posts, the New York Post. I had the picture of the National Guard standing outside the campus gates and I wanted to upload it... too big... and send it off as "Guard Post."

By the time I got it small enough to post it was so small that it wasn't worth posting. That make sense???
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