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How not to set off fireworks...

Several injured, 1 seriously, after fireworks land in BYU crowd during Fourth of July celebration featuring the Jonas Brothers​

Several people were injured, one seriously, when errant fireworks landed in the crowd during the national anthem at a Fourth of July celebration on Brigham Young University’s campus in Provo, Utah.

Six people were taken to the hospital as the out-of-control pyrotechnics struck attendees at the Stadium of Fire event at LaVell Edwards Stadium on Thursday, officials told ABC4.

The “Stadium of Fire” is an annual Independence Day music festival held at BYU’s football stadium, which the Jonas Brothers were tasked with headlining this year.

One spectator was hit in the face with a firework and suffered a severe injury, Utah State troopers and Provo police told KSL.

The stray fireworks were launched after the “Star Spangled Banner” concluded and four F-35 jets from Utah’s Hill Air Force Base performed a flyover.
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