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How many Buckeye Fans have been to New Orleans

I was there for the days leading up to the 1996 Sugar Bowl (UF vs FSU). I didn't think much of the City & French 1/4. I would give it a second chance if presented with the opportunity. I did like the street performers.

I was eating a Pat OBryans and Danny Weurfel and girlfriend (smokin hot)sat right next to us. He had just won the Heisman that year. I drew up some nice plays for him on a napkin and you know what kind of game he had.
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tiger_darlin;1025270; said:
Mulate's is pretty good.
it's one of the places that stands out to me.
the gumbo was GREAT.

Tiger Darlin, with all due respect. Please do not send them to Mulate's. I mean the food is okay but that's what all the tourists do. I'd rather them get to the maybe lesser known places but that have better food. Mulate's isn't horrible but I think they should eat at the real New Orleans places. About the only thing I would go there for is the music they do.
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Death Valley;1025918; said:
Tiger Darlin, with all due respect. Please do not send them to Mulate's. I mean the food is okay but that's what all the tourists do. I'd rather them get to the maybe lesser known places but that have better food. Mulate's isn't horrible but I think they should eat at the real New Orleans places. About the only thing I would go there for is the music they do.

That, and if you're gonna send them to Mulatte's, the original one in Breaux Bridge kicks the one in New Orleans ass. And Breaux Bridge is a bit far for them to drive from NOLA.
Just go to Drago's and get the char broiled oysters. You'll thank me (and everyone else who's said it) later.
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Nutriaitch;1025937; said:
That, and if you're gonna send them to Mulatte's, the original one in Breaux Bridge kicks the one in New Orleans ass. And Breaux Bridge is a bit far for them to drive from NOLA.
Just go to Drago's and get the char broiled oysters. You'll thank me (and everyone else who's said it) later.

Agree on both points. The original is the best and Drago's is $$$$$.

For those who just want a sweet snack while in N.O. There is a place called Sucre that is $$$$$. Just for a cup of coffee or to chill out while shopping on Magazine or Canal it's a good place to grab something quick.

Sucré > Store Menu : A Sweet Boutique
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I have, I have!

I was pretty much born and raised in Pensacola, Florida (till I came to OSU) and thats only about 2.5 hours from New Orleans..we used to go on day trips all the time and for whole weekends..its practically old stomping grounds. I have a lot of friends with family there too (and lots of friends at LSU and Tulane)...mmmm, the thought of a po-boy from Mother's sounds pretty good right about now.

I know how the rebuilding from a hurricane goes..lets not forget Hurricane Ivan..I feel the pain :(
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heshootznscores;1026058; said:
I have, I have!

I was pretty much born and raised in Pensacola, Florida (till I came to OSU) and thats only about 2.5 hours from New Orleans..we used to go on day trips all the time and for whole weekends..its practically old stomping grounds. I have a lot of friends with family there too (and lots of friends at LSU and Tulane)...mmmm, the thought of a po-boy from Mother's sounds pretty good right about now.

I know how the rebuilding from a hurricane goes..lets not forget Hurricane Ivan..I feel the pain :(

Yea, I think the main thing is people need to be comfortable when they come down here and not worry about all the bad things that happened. Don't worry about the negative things you heard. I promise everything is fine in the areas that the visiting fans will frequent. Just don't venture out into the hoods and you won't have any trouble of course.:wink2: Same for pretty much any major city.

Mother's a good place for a sloppy poboy.

Just get out of your hotel rooms, sample the food, listen to the music, hit Bourbon if you want to get trashed and see some tits or pick up on our lovely drunk beautiful women, just make sure they are alone. Also, when you are walking with your OSU garb on you will be TigerBaited. Just take it in stride and laugh it off. Sometimes our guys get a little rough with it but just laugh it off. Don't try to be a tough guy because most of the time you will not win the fight with the homefield advantage. NOPD doesn't like out of towners causing trouble and you will spend the NC game time in an 8x8.

I have a good feeling that those that have never been to our City will fall in love with the culture, food and fun. Enjoy it and thanks for coming.
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I honestly can't wait to get back down there. I am in Pensacola right now for break..but I know how the re-building effort goes as far as hurricanes.

I love OSU to death but the only thing I really miss from back home is the southern culture..and when I think of that I think of new orleans and such. It just reminds me of home :)
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When I was young I went to NO frequently. Never ate anywhere nice because I was drunk down in the Quarter the whole time.

I've done a few New Years, a few MG's and a few Sugar Bowls but never went to the games.

One of the cooler ones I remember(I don't remember any time in NO well) was the "5th quarter in the French Quarter" game between UF and FSU(94 or 95 maybe?). Saw some unbelievible fights and even more impressive displays of how NO cops break up fights.

Once I outgrew the drinking part, I haven't been back.
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Jaxbuck;1026181; said:
One of the cooler ones I remember(I don't remember any time in NO well) was the "5th quarter in the French Quarter" game between UF and FSU(94 or 95 maybe?). Saw some unbelievible fights and even more impressive displays of how NO cops break up fights.

Yeah guys. With Carnival, the NOPD has the expertise to handle large crowds, and we have lots of mobile paddy wagons. Do- not-fuck-with- NOPD. I'm talking life threatening stuff. And right now the New Orleans jail is not where you want to be. Not college town lock up. You can get hurt inside before you get a chance to get out. Seriously.
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