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How many Buckeye Fans have been to New Orleans

Goin to 'Nawlins

Was there in '00... excellent place to party... my only word of caution is to understand that the cops are corrupt, but the people are great! It will be one helluva good time... especially when the Buckeye D performs operation shutdown on the tigers.
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I've been there twice. One was for a good reason, the other wasn't.

I first went in the summer of '03 while on a four-day pass before being deployed overseas.

I next went in September of '05 in response to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
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I've been to NOLA numerous times on business/work conferences. Neat city in parts with the Audubon Zoo and things like that. FQ is unique and the history is relatively long for a U.S. city, but always smelled like last nights beer mold... Late night action always was fun though :)

Eaten at loads of the high end type places including Commander's Palace, Bayona, NOLA, and then some of the smaller greasy spoon types. I'm not a connoisseur of Cajun or Creole offerings...it's just not what my palate perfers, but I still found many tasty offerings. It's a fine town in an awful location.
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I've been once, really enjoyed it and would like to go again someday. My only complaint was that you couldn't get coffee until like 10:00 in the morning, and then it was Chicory, stuff had me shaking the whole time I was there....
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