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How gullible is EdgeBuck?

Check your reps again, Rashmish...I definitely ain't the only one dinging you on a consistent basis. Besides, you're five times the asshole I am, so you deserve five times the dings.

Oh, if you want to play the "Let's post ding text" game, how about this that you just gave me:

"how gullible is Mililani? Stupid enought to believe somebody would cheat somebody out of 150 bucks and tell everybody about it. what a fucking retard you are. tibor"

I think it's even more moronic to even start such a thread just for attention and to belittle a trusting board member solely for you edification. By the way, please don't ding me again...I don't think I can stand to lose another whole 30 points. :roll1: The amount of points you cause others to lose with your dings is in direct proportion to your dick...miniscule and with no effect.
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"belittle a trusting board member"

Of course I didn't tell you that I emailed EdgeBuck when I sent out the tickets telling him I was starting a thread about it. Yeah, you could see how hurt EdgeBuck was by the whole thing. Dumbass.
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tibor75 said:
Of course I didn't tell you that I emailed EdgeBuck when I sent out the tickets telling him I was starting a thread about it. Yeah, you could see how hurt EdgeBuck was by the whole thing. Dumbass.

Obviously you haven't lived in this country long enough to grasp even the most basic English, Rashmish. You don't think "belittle" would include starting a thread on someone entitled "How gullible is..."? Whether or not you e-mailed EdgeBuck beforehand is moot. I could e-mail you and say, "I'm going to start a thread about you" and then start one entitled "tibor75 is an asshole", and wouldn't consider the thread belittling? Read a dictionary, Kashmir.

By the way, you sure don't have a whole lot of rep points for being the third most active poster on the board.
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