So I will sound nitpicky, especially since I am a full-on addict of the show. I basically did nothing in my spare time but watch until I had seen Season 1 again and then Season 2, which I will watch again at some point.
Good things about upcoming season 3: They still have plenty of characters to work with that they can do more with, some loose ends to tie up, a wild card (Rachel), and the fact that FU is President now will mean he actually will have more power, not less. What I mean is that much like Walker, he will be manipulated and coerced by people below him, just like he did. Much of the criticism I have seen of seson 2 is that it has set FU up as almost a God with no worthy adversary...they can do a lot with that now that he will be constrained by the fact he has no more upward mobility.
Bad things about upcoming season 3: No Stamper, no Stamper, and no Stamper. No real replacement for him as the new WHCOS (more below).
I cared a lot less for and about 2 characters in season 2 as compared to season 1: Claire Underwood and Remy Danton. I think they both sort of took steps back in their development. I think Robin Wright and the guy playing Danton still did great jobs, I just didn't think the writing or story arcs were as good. THe storyline with Remy and Jill Sharp was especially's a guy who was ruthless in season 1 who basically fucked himself under because he had a one night stand with a Congresswoman? Just didn't seem consistent to me. And CLaire was more Stephanie McMahon than Vince McMahon in season 2...which is not a good thing.
That said, I like the Jill Sharp character and they can do a lot with her now. She and Katherine Durant really add some healthy female depth to the show, and both are now in prime positions...and are calculating, conniving bitches who will not hesitate to fuck FU under. That makes for good TV.
On the flip side, they really neutered the shit out of Walker, to the point that he exerted no Presidential authority whatsoever. TO me that was sort of a disservice to the show, but they almost had to do that as they wanted to force FU to be President by the end of the season. Ideally, I think they could have really done better by making FU take over at the end of season 3...would have left a lot more time for the type of infighting that one would expect. It was almost like Walker left like he had never wanted to be President in the first place, which just seemed rushed and off.
The one thing I think they really botched, and the main criticism I have of the season, was the Linda Vasquez exit. It was like the writers said "Well, she's on the Frank Underwood fuck the under list, so we have to get rid of her" but they couldn't figure out how so they really rushed the shit out of it. Having her tender a resignation over a bridge project just seemed...trite. Based on her character before she wuld have fought Frank tooth and nail on the whole CHina situation and gone down swinging...instead it was a desperate leverage ploy that a 4th grader would know wouldn't work. Just seemed beneath the rest of the show, and that's the only part of the show I would say that about.
I both loved and hated the Doug Stamper storyline. It was clearly the best arc of the season and he was the most intriguing character of season 2 (It was Russo in that same type of role in season 1). At first I hated it, but then warmed to it when I considered it wasn't Stamper wussing out, it was a battle between professional obsession and personal obsession, which were completely at odds with each other and destroyed his life. It was like he was front and center in Hellraiser and Rachel is what made him open the box. That said, him sitting there looking like a goof and saying "What are you doing?" while she baby sealed his ass didn't seem real consistent with the ruthless person he normally was. But again, Rachel was his Cenobite. So the more I thought about it the more it grew on me.
That said, the show is going to suffer immeasurably without Stamper IMO. It would be like losing Daryl at th end of Season 2 of TWD. They had to do it, because Stamper was in so deep and because the entire Rachel thing was played out wayyy too long, but much like when Doug Ross left ER, I think it's going to leave a hole they can't fill, at least entirely. And that brings me to the next point...
FU has the 2 biggest jobs now to fill...WH Chief of Staff and VP. Who takes those jobs? Jill Sharp? Makes no sense for her to leave Congress, where she now has power and a lot to hang over Frank,. which is real power she wouldn't have as VP. Durant? Seems like he wants to keep her in the State Department. Remy Danton? Worst idea ever to make him WHCOS. That would make no sense, as he spent an entire season trying to fuck FU under with Tusk. Linda V? Again, would make no sense for FU to want to bring back the "vomit-inducing bitch" to come back, despite what Walker promised her. Grayson? He is much better as the media guy and behind the scenes, Sidney Blumenthal dirty work type. So there are no real candidates that jump out. FU seems close to the majority leader, he could be a VP candidate (and FU might presume that a guy from SC with a black VP candidate might have some national appeal for the 2016 election). But here's where they can really be smart. They can have a mystery person come in as WHCOS, and they can have the WHCOS and VP consistently battle, putting FU in the middle. That will be a role he is completely unused to..being the tugee instead of the tugger. That could leave him vulnerable.
So we'll see what happens (sadly not for a while), we have Rachel on the loose, creepy computer dude on the prowl, Remy trying to worm his way back in, Tusk being arrested...I didn't love or hate the Tusk stuff, but he is still sitting there having fucked under Walker like FU asked...does FU reward him or send him to Guantanamo? We have Sharp, who hates Frank but loves the power he brings...and we have the new Ayyad or whatever her name is reporter who picked up where Zoe and her boyfriend left off. Lots of ways they can go...