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Home Repairs/HoneyDo List/Advice & Tips/etc.

THEWOOD;1948784; said:
so anyone want to come paint my condo??

we have had several estimates and they are what think to be OUTRAGEOUS! I own a small 1000 square foot, 2 bedroom in Chicago. What do you think it would cost to paint every room, sans kitchen?

I get quotes between 4-5k! I think that is nuts, am I out of line?

What does that approximate in hours of labor?
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THEWOOD;1948784; said:
so anyone want to come paint my condo??

we have had several estimates and they are what think to be OUTRAGEOUS! I own a small 1000 square foot, 2 bedroom in Chicago. What do you think it would cost to paint every room, sans kitchen?

I get quotes between 4-5k! I think that is nuts, am I out of line?

Wow. It is times like these I think I picked the wrong profession. Like when friends or family tell me their lowest estimate to trap a rodent under their deck was 400, plus 50 daily to check trap, or 700 to cut down a tree.
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THEWOOD;1948793; said:
No wallpaper. Just paint walls, crown molding, baseboards, door frames and doors.

Seems high for 1,000 sq ft, but lots of brush-painting can be time consuming, maybe they're factoring alot of time with the moldings, baseboards and doors? 2 or 3 guys should be able to knock out 1,000 sq feet in a couple days, 3 tops unless they have to use their brushes most of the time or do alot of base coats / primer...
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THEWOOD;1948799; said:
yeah, 2-3 days was time estimate

Hmmm...sorry, wish I had more to offer... $5k is high... $4 is getting closer... the $3ks "feels" right, but I'm just throwing darts... just that charging for 3 dudes at $200 bucks apiece (margin to subcontractor) is $1800, paint and supplies is... not sure $1,000-$1,500?
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THEWOOD;1948784; said:
so anyone want to come paint my condo??

we have had several estimates and they are what think to be OUTRAGEOUS! I own a small 1000 square foot, 2 bedroom in Chicago. What do you think it would cost to paint every room, sans kitchen?

I get quotes between 4-5k! I think that is nuts, am I out of line?

[quote='BusNative;194881;1]Hmmm...sorry, wish I had more to offer... $5k is high... $4 is getting closer... the $3ks "feels" right, but I'm just throwing darts... just that charging for 3 dudes at $200 bucks apiece (margin to subcontractor) is $1800, paint and supplies is... not sure $1,000-$1,500?[/quote]

After they get done watering the shit down, I imagine it's a helluvalot less than that.

Wood: if you can't really do it on your own, then grab your ankles and pray for gel.
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BuckeyeMac;1949003; said:
Muffler want to start up a painting business? :lol:

I thought about it as a side job. However, I'm very comfortable doing what I do right now for whom and how much I make doing it.

I've been tangentially around paint since 1983 when my Dad started selling industrial coatings. I then actually went and got a degree in Polymers and Coatings (aka Paint Chemisty), and I've been employed in various parts of the coatings industry since '97. When I got out of college, I went to work for S-W in downtown Cleveland. After realizing I wasn't going to be able to stomach working on interior house paints for the rest of my life, I moved on to a genre of coatings that has more of a specialty nature to it and is much more stimulating. I still have a sound understanding of all the other types of coatings that Joe Homeowner would like to use.

Sorry for the personal life sharing. Just figured it might help show that I'm not full of shit (at least when it comes to coatings). :biggrin:
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muffler dragon;1948696; said:
I also decided to look at the Glidden site to see how they're marketing this:


This product should be perfectly fine for you.

The only way you're going to take more than 3 coats of anything to cover a wall is if you're going over any extreme color. In that instance, the best option for you (depending on what end color you want to achieve) is to go with an actual high hide primer. If you're going over standard neutrals and pastels, then you should be fine with 1-2 coats of this material. I still recommend that you stay away from the Flats though regardless of your color choice. With the Speedwall being formulated for all sorts of application, you're probably going to find that it's not paste-like in viscosity as you would find with Behr, but you shouldn't have any problems at all with a roller or brush. Just don't apply it too heavy. I recomment that you go with a 3/8" nap at most on a roller.

Hope this helps.

Well muffler, the Wifey and I just closed on our house Thursday. We started painting on Friday. So far we've painted the kitchen and bedroom in two coats using the speedwall Paint by Glidden. Great cost saver, and it's turned out looking really nice. Thank you very much for the recommendation!

Next up painting the Living room and upstairs/downstairs hallways. Oh and removing wallpaper from one of the bathrooms and one of the bedrooms. Who uses that crap anymore? :shake:
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