Did you cover the threads in Teflon tape prior to reassembly? That's an important step. It won't screw you immediately if you missed it, but in time it will. I would fix it by this weekend if you didn't. Otherwise, give yourself a pat on the back. I love the satisfied feeling after conducting a repair.
I have teflon tape. I decided, after doing some more online research, to also add on pipe dope, which I have to go pick up today. I tested it with the tape by putting a kleenex into the slot and running the water a few minutes. It felt like there had been a drop on it (not soggy by any means) but enough to make me a little paranoid about the seal. I had only hand tightened it that time. I have a little trepidation about forcing one more turn, but I think I'll give it a very gingerly try after applying the dope.
If I was sure I'd never have to touch it again, I'd seal the joint up with epoxy or something. Of course, that would be an evil thing to do to whoever came after me that needed to remove the darn thing.