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BuckeyeWilly said:
Happy Birthday, Putz!! I'm allowed to call him Putz because I happen to be his parental unit. :osu3:
Just like the kid on the Fantasy Forum...

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Happy Birthday, Putz!! I'm allowed to call him Putz because I happen to be his parental unit.

Thank you very much, Moron. For those of you not picking up on it.........go watch grumpy old men, and you'll see where we get this.

"Gustafson, you're one sick bastard"

And yes, I was just publically pwned by my father. I am such a newb.
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I have great news for you BMax. I just heard today that Jessica has signed on to play Jeannie in an "I Dream of Jeannie" movie also starring Jimmy Falon. That plus "Into the Blue" should be enough crappy movies to make her get naked in the near future.
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