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buckeyefool;805019; said:
Okay I am trying to decide what to get the Groomsmen that are in my wedding this summer. I know most of them already have a flask so that is probally out. 3 or the 4 went to OSU so any ideas as far as OSU stuff would be good. Any good sites?

My buddy (in '03) got us all signed Nugent mini-helmets. They rocked!
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Dryden;805150; said:
Last two wedding parties I have been in have netted me an engraved Cross pen/pencil set and the biggest Swiss Army Knife I've ever had, which I just carry around in my glove box. OK gifts, but they're not especially useful.

Personally, if it were me, I'd go with anything you can have engraved. At least personalize it. Flasks, Zippos, or Money Clips would all work.

How about an Ohio State money clip?

different versions (Google ... there are hundreds)


I'm in a wedding party this weekend for a buddy of mine that I've known since we were 5, and I got a Fossil OSU Moneyclip tonight at the rehearsal dinner.


EDIT: The funniest part of the evening was seeing another friend of mine (also in the wedding party) open his gift and see the OSU moneyclip. One of his brothers went to Notre Dame on a baseball scholarship in the late 80s, a sister of his was on the Xavier swim team in the early 90s, and another brother of his was a walk-on QB for Arizona St in 1996. He is NOT a Buckeye fan. :lol:
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OK, bump. I am not getting married (thank you jesus), but I told my buddy I would help him out and come up with ideas. My other buddy got married 6 months ago and got us Browns shirts with our names on them, which was a bitchin gift, especially since he is a steelers fan. Any thoughts?
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I got my groomsmen a flip camcorder.

I didn't want to go with the boring traditional stuff.
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