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Best gift I ever got as a groomsman was a Best Buy gift certificate. It didn't really relate well to the wedding, but who cares? It was something I could really use.

Worst I ever got was a pen set. Just plain stupid.
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Last two wedding parties I have been in have netted me an engraved Cross pen/pencil set and the biggest Swiss Army Knife I've ever had, which I just carry around in my glove box. OK gifts, but they're not especially useful.

Personally, if it were me, I'd go with anything you can have engraved. At least personalize it. Flasks, Zippos, or Money Clips would all work.

How about an Ohio State money clip?

different versions (Google ... there are hundreds)

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This is what I got for my groomsmen for my wedding. You can personalize original Louisville Slugger bats with their names and date of the wedding. Not an especially useful gift but I thought it was appropriate for the sports fans that were in my wedding. The link above takes you to Louisville Slugger's website if you want to check it out...
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