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He's back and better than ever!
  • Okay I am trying to decide what to get the Groomsmen that are in my wedding this summer. I know most of them already have a flask so that is probally out. 3 or the 4 went to OSU so any ideas as far as OSU stuff would be good. Any good sites?
    I got a nice golf themed pen set.

    Upvote 0
    Give them your address. Writing will soon be the only form of communication you'll ever have with "your" friends. Two weeks after the wedding you have to start hanging with "our " friends. Meaning "her" friends.

    Just make sure they have your email and a soft couch for the first big fight.

    Ok the real answer...

    just make sure they screw the bride's maids.

    Ok the real answer...

    I don't have a clue
    Upvote 0
    buckeyefool;805019; said:
    Okay I am trying to decide what to get the Groomsmen that are in my wedding this summer. I know most of them already have a flask so that is probally out. 3 or the 4 went to OSU so any ideas as far as OSU stuff would be good. Any good sites?

    OSU party busses would be nice. :biggrin:
    Upvote 0
    bigballin2987;805021; said:
    Shot glasses.
    OCBucksFan;805024; said:
    I have gotten a Zippo Lighter and a Flask in the past.
    stxbuck;805025; said:
    Beer steins w/ engraved initials.
    Saw31;805028; said:
    Lap dances...
    Good thinking, but let them get you the lap dances at your bachelor party.

    Buy 4 tickets to a game next season and let them go- cuz as scooter pointed out, you won't be allowed.:biggrin:
    Upvote 0
    Fuck 'em. Tell them they're getting a punch in the face and a kick in the balls. That'll ensure their expectations are low, so they'll love you when you present them with their $5 gift certificates to McDonald's.
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