I think the idea of a poll is great, but I think we both know how that will turn out for Bellisari.
But, he'll get my vote.
Someone get this philly a radish!!!
I would pick Stanley Jackson over Bellisari, but, as you know, Yertle, I've always felt that he was very underrated. Of course, that's not hard to do in this case. I think that a monkey trained to hand the ball to the defense would get more praise in Columbus during those three years than Bellisari ever got. And I think he had a .500+ winning record at Ohio State.
Before I begin my toast to not hating Bellisari, let me say that he was not a good quarterback, by Ohio State standards. He made questionable decisions, and it seemed that he was the master at clutching defeat from the jaws of victory. But Columbus was very unfair to him. He'd throw an interception while being hit in the backfield, and we'd hear, "Just take the sack, JERK!" Next, he'd get sacked, and we'd hear, "Throw the ball away, LOSER!" The guy couldn't win no matter what he did.
But I think that his greatest fault was that he followed a guy named Joe Germaine. As we all know, Joe Germaine was a stud. I don't know that ANYONE would have been liked in Columbus after Joe Germaine. If Troy Smith would have followed Joe Germaine, I think that it would take Columbus 10-15 games to start liking Troy Smith.
Next, instead of looking at Bellisari's overall numbers (which I don't have in front of me), look at his progression. He started as the guy who could only throw the passes to the outside, and, when defenses stopped those plays, he fell apart. He'd look at one, MAYBE two receivers, and take off. By the end of his Junior year, he was hitting tight ends and running backs when his wide receivers were covered.
And I think that many other people believe that Bellisari was decent. You guys just didn't know how you felt. If he was as hated as it seems he was, I would have thought that the greatest thing he ever could have done was get suspended from the team by the end of his senior season. If he's such a suck-bag, why would you want him in the game? Or even on the team? But people were disappointed that he let the team and the fans down. I seem to remember that if Ohio State had beat Illinois and Michigan, they would have won the Big Ten, or at least tied for the championship. But just before the game with Illinois, people had already thrown in the towel.
Again, Bellisari does not get my vote for best #8. And maybe he was the worst on that list. But I'll never be ashamed to call myself a fan of Steve Bellisari.