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See, I thought the same about Apple hardware being way overpriced too but with the Macbook they seem pretty competitive. By no means am I gonna say its the best value on the market cause that isn't true. But a 2.0 Ghz core duo Dell with 1 GB of ram is $1,415 with their $150 instant rebate going on right now. The 2.0 Ghz macbook with the same specs is $1,500. With my student discount I was able to get it for $1,399 (granted, with only 512 MB but I bought 2 GB off of newegg). Yeah, sure, I could get a $450 dell with a centrino, a core solo, or a celeron, but I wanted a 2.0 Ghz core duo.

As far as OS X not being able to do half of what Windows does, you're absolutely right. But as far as everything I want to do with it, it's amazing. Right off the top of my head, the bluetooth integration is amazing, the spotlight feature built into every app and submenu is ridiculous (google desktop can't even come close), and smart folders are sweet, too. All in all, features that seem to improve productivity, which I like. I don't play games so that isn't in issue. Besides, if I wanted to seriously play games, I could just dual boot windows on here, problem solved. Not that I could cause its got integrated graphics, but so does that Dell.
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As far as OS X not being able to do half of what Windows does, you're absolutely right. But as far as everything I want to do with it, it's amazing. Right off the top of my head, the bluetooth integration is amazing, the spotlight feature built into every app and submenu is ridiculous (google desktop can't even come close), and smart folders are sweet, too. All in all, features that seem to improve productivity, which I like. I don't play games so that isn't in issue. Besides, if I wanted to seriously play games, I could just dual boot windows on here, problem solved. Not that I could cause its got integrated graphics, but so does that Dell.
That's the thing. I think that the dual boot thing is kinda funny for a Mac. If I were to buy one, it would be simply to have the Mac OS on my system. They are good for video/music editing, but there are programs for Windows too. To me the only plus to them is that they aren't running on Windows, which can be very nice sometimes.
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