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flying low
Had it about a week. Its my first mac and I'm pretty damn impressed so far. I built my last 3 computers so I'm no stranger to the whole hardware business. Price was a little expensive but not way out of line compared to similarly equipped PC laptops. I put 2 GB of ram in there a day after I got the laptop and it absolutely flies right now. Before I bought it I was almost certain I was going to dual boot it and put XP on there as well but after a week of messing with OSX, I don't really see a need to just yet. Lot of cool features in OS X that make you pissed off that they weren't in XP. Any other Mac users on the board?
I'm going to get a laptop for my mom because my dad says she's always stealing his and I thought about a mac just because I don't feel like deleting viruses every day, but they're too expensive for casual use. Anybody know where I can get cheapo macs?
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I hate that people blame the machine rather than the people using it. It really isn't that hard to keep a computer running healthy.
Smart browsing habits and a little common sense can go a long way.

I agree. The best thing you can do is run as a non-admin user. 99% of the time you have no reason to be one, and any exploits/viruses are going to assume the privileges of the logged-in user. Couple that with anti-virus software running in the background, and I don't see where the problem lies.
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I agree. The best thing you can do is run as a non-admin user. 99% of the time you have no reason to be one, and any exploits/viruses are going to assume the privileges of the logged-in user. Couple that with anti-virus software running in the background, and I don't see where the problem lies.

No doubt. The previous PC I had for the past 3 years never once got a single virus or crashed. It seems like common sense to us, but you don't know how many people have looked at me dumbfounded and say "You mean I can get a virus in my email?"

One thing I hate is how Mac users say that OS X is virus proof. Viruses do exist and they could potentially do a lot of harm since OS X really has no way of dealing with the threat. OS X's biggest advantage is that it makes no sense to write a virus for OS X cause pretty much nobody uses it.
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I hate that people blame the machine rather than the people using it. It really isn't that hard to keep a computer running healthy.
Smart browsing habits and a little common sense can go a long way.

Totally agree. I have no problems with any of my machines. I fix different ones every week, and it's always caused by stupid people downloading crap that they shouldnt be downloading. Also, if Mac OS was used more, there would be alot more virii for it. It isnt used more, because you cant do half as much with it..........like it or not :biggrin:
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Totally agree. I have no problems with any of my machines. I fix different ones every week, and it's always caused by stupid people downloading crap that they shouldnt be downloading. Also, if Mac OS was used more, there would be alot more virii for it. It isnt used more, because you cant do half as much with it..........like it or not :biggrin:
does that include the keys popping off? I can't tell you how many responsible inspiron owners have had that issue.
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does that include the keys popping off? I can't tell you how many responsible inspiron owners have had that issue.

Not once have I seen that happen. Have owned 2 of them. But nothing makes a Mac worth the pricetag that they go for. Sorta like buying a Sony or Toshiba laptop.

And how do you know that they are responsible ownes? As Dr. House says............everybody lies :biggrin:
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My girlfriend just shelled out $3000 for a Mac. It seems nice, but to me it's not worth that much. She works in marketing/public relations though, so she does a lot of graphic design. I hear it's great for that. For most people though, all the stuff I've seen that makes it cool compared to my HP notebook are the little gadgets - like the backlit keyboard and the dashboard and things like that. Those are just trinkets to me though. There's nothing on her Mac that I really wish I could do on my HP, and I paid about $2300 less for it.
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My girlfriend just shelled out $3000 for a Mac. It seems nice, but to me it's not worth that much. She works in marketing/public relations though, so she does a lot of graphic design. I hear it's great for that. For most people though, all the stuff I've seen that makes it cool compared to my HP notebook are the little gadgets - like the backlit keyboard and the dashboard and things like that. Those are just trinkets to me though. There's nothing on her Mac that I really wish I could do on my HP, and I paid about $2300 less for it.

Exactly. And that whole thing about "Well I do alot of graphic design, so I need a mac".........dont get that. I do alot of graphic design on my $450 Dell laptop. So that is a crock if you ask me. Oh, and I can play games :biggrin:
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My girlfriend just shelled out $3000 for a Mac. It seems nice, but to me it's not worth that much. She works in marketing/public relations though, so she does a lot of graphic design. I hear it's great for that. For most people though, all the stuff I've seen that makes it cool compared to my HP notebook are the little gadgets - like the backlit keyboard and the dashboard and things like that. Those are just trinkets to me though. There's nothing on her Mac that I really wish I could do on my HP, and I paid about $2300 less for it.
Man, gimme $3000 and I'll put together a desktop (or even laptop) that would make the mac look like a graphing calculator. And what the heck, I'd even throw in a backlit keyboard for kicks :wink2:.
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