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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

Bleed S & G;2340455; said:
If anyone is wanting to link this Strassini to the John D. is claiming he is not, and end this nonsense, here is his signature (guess it's possible he had the foresight to not sign other documents this way, but he can't even count days so I doubt it):

that is NOT my signature, nor is it close. what lengths will you go to to be right? lies and BS so far, what next?
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alwaysthere;2338183; said:
This is the one and only time I say anything more about this issue. I have read this thread and saw myself being accused of things simply because I said that people on this site were going overboard with their pursuit and assault on this guy Strassini.
I know how and where this thread started- Users from WIKI. The originator, justinags, is a user gnome on WIKI. Several other users have set up accounts to further this onslaught. The users are the ?volunteers? that police WIKI and the info on their site. They saw this guys name all over their site in the last month, and started removing it. It got re-added and they removed it again. Then the actual Strassini, contacted WIKI and the same users that started this thread, and all he did was try to remove his name from the site, they blocked him and his IP address. When they themselves found ?credible? sources, they attacked them to discredit Strassini and keep him from any allies. You can read this on WIKI, even though they edit their stuff, they remove things where they are proven wrong, the gist is still there.
I have seen so much BS posted and conjectured here in this thread it is sickening and laughable. For the same crimes you accuse him of, you are guilty as well. Jumping to bad conclusions, wrongful assessments, attempting to add names to him, that for a fact have already been found in a court of law, district court in Charlotte, to NOT be his, yet you have attributed old cases as his, and linked names to him that were proven by him to not belong to him, at his own contest against this, by several banks the aliases were his, and the banks LOST-emphasis added. Then you do the same to me, hahaha.
I know of him, seen his name before, and it was at charity events, hospital wards to help and to other charitable causes. Not for any personal gain, and he has been in the news here for years and IF that were his intent, it would have been exposed long before. But since it has always been for good, no real investigation took place. So be it for thinking people are stupid and not savvy in the tech world, but there was no reason to question him for there was nothing of harm going on. So for all of you that ?convicted? him from reading court cases not in his name, or containing information from the old cases, are wrong. The courts and police here, have closed the cases against him in his favor- FACT!! GO BEYOND YOUR NOSES TO SEE THIS!! His claims of OSU things is wrong. It is over, unless people continue it. The pictures posted and that the poster of the pictures edited, are real. No ?rose bowl? ring can be made or forged, it comes from one manufacturer, and when done after the fact, has to be verified and requested by the school itself, search yourself and ask.
The fact those WIKI users have played you for pawns and like fiddles to do their dirty work for them, SHEEP I call you. They are tech savvy and used you all to get Strassini alienated further. Cudos to WIKI users for accomplishing their goal. I saw one of these users post about the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library being ?shut down? and he researched it and traced it back to Strassini. HAHAHAHA, and you believed that? How I ask? There are more than 20 branches of that library, and every single one of them uses the same server, and has more than 40 PC?s in each branch, and so the same IP address. NO ONE COULD TRACE IT TO A SINGLE PC, get it? So how could he make this claim? He is a user at WIKI, or someone called from one of the branches asking why someone at one of the branches could not get into WIKI. Go think now, and WIKI had an account blocked. And when that account logged in to WIKI, they tagged the IP there. So every last one of the thousands of PC?s at the branches, was blocked at WIKI because of ONE ACCOUNT ON WIKI. Nothing to do with the branches, it was an account, and ONLY WIKI knows how and why that IP address was blocked and it belonged to the library, no sleuth work, it was the only way that could happen. The user at WIKI or employee at a
branch or friend of one, claiming ?victory? for detective work performed, where none was deserved= sound familiar? Lmao!
My purpose here was to see what was being said, and attempt to get a voice of reason and I was attacked and linked, wrongfully so again. I offered to meet in person, a user here and he refused and then made jokes about it. I am in SC, BUT CLOSE TO CHARLOTTE, not him but a realist and more truth oriented than anyone doing the things I have read here. Irresponsible at best, wrongful and harmful for certain, and maybe more depending on where this goes. I never judge, God does that. I have seen many become judge, jury and executioner. Karma will happen, now or later, believe that!!
So post all the garbage you want, be the pawns of users with their own asses to protect, and do their dirty work=WIKI users.
No one here, beyond words, can say with any certainty, they know of harm this guy did, or that what they found on him on the net, is truth and legal OR IN HIS NAME. I know most is BS and lies, and I have researched locally and spoken to the police and detectives, I am a die hard Buckeye fan, and watched them longer than most here, for over 50 years.
I do not like what Strassini did, and would never be a friend, but I can say, he did not do anything bad or harmful with what was set up, this is a FACT and not opinion.
Legally it is in the closed court case, based on the false names not his, and he won. The police report that was closed in his favor. Legal, not BS internet stuff that has been manipulated in Strassini?s case by the users at WIKI, AND YOU HERE AT THIS SITE, to meet their own ends at WIKI and no one elses for any good and nothing except to harm him.
Truth is hard to handle, but I know I have said only the truth, and can back up what I am saying if this goes further than this site. I am not going to reply here anymore, and this site can close my account if they want. I am simply saying WIKI and the few users of WIKI here on this site now, including the author of this thread, justinags, he even changed the name of the thread to harm Strassini more, so on the net it would read worse than originally set up. See it for yourself, you all got played. And you were more than willing because this thread gave you a purpose, and you did it, to harm further and what WIKI wanted.
BTW- to con or defraud someone, there has to be some gain, financially or of value gotten. None here, so there goes those names down the drain as wrongful and harmful. But, WIKI wants you to keep using them like that because that was their intent. Keep on being THEIR SHEEP, I will refer to them as user shepherds at WIKI. They sure are leading all of you. That is far worse than anything that did not happen to you directly, and this is 100% directed at you, for you, and all of you complied so willingly. Lmao!
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onlymelol;2340476; said:
you contact me first, i reply and you call it harassment. try and see how it would look if you told the truth and went to the police with this. you do not like i call you paulie, you get upset i pick opposite of you on SFTC, you texted me over 200 times a month for 2 years and when you ask me to stop calling you paulie, i write a blog of you at ESPN and you write brock and they boot me for that. then you write me at my email and i say, stop talking about me, and then you write your last email. those are what happened and you cannot change that. i will not use this forum to prove you for what you are. i ask you to stop posting BS about me, and then you can carry on. these other people on this site that act like you makes perfect sense how you are accepted here as a known Buckeye basher at ESPN. HEED MY REQUEST AND YOU WILL NEVER HEAR FROM ME AGAIN, SIMPLE RIGHT?

My last contact with you via e-mail was 10/5-10/6/2010.

The fact that you are not a 2 sport all-American from Ohio State is not BS, but truth.

You made a comment that I was banned from that site, is a lie. I chose to deactivate my account there.

You passed off that I was a "stalker" on that site. If I was a "stalker", why was I never banned? They had roughly 10 years to ban me, and never did.

Regarding your persistent comments about me being a "stalker". If I was stalking anyone, I would have been banned from that site before I deactivated my page. I would be unable to do what I currently do for a living- because I would be unable to obtain a job, if I have a criminal record. I would also be unable to umpire High School and American Legion baseball if I had a criminal record- as I need Act 34 & 151 (child abuse), and FBI clearances; and that's just for HIGH SCHOOL baseball. I also go through a background check for American Legion, Babe Ruth, and Junior/Senior League baseball.

I e-mailed Brock- after I spotted your blog AND your attack on someone else's wall. Plus your quotes threatening me.

Under most circumstances, I don't root for/against Ohio State. The rooting against Ohio State was dependent on their opponents (any SA, Syracuse or Penn State). My rooting interest in Penn State is that I have an uncle & cousin who are graduates, another cousin is a Syracuse grad, and my dad is a graduate of West Point. If they play an SEC school, I would rather Ohio State win, as I dislike anything to do with the SEC.
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NYG21254246;2340483; said:
My last contact with you via e-mail was 10/5-10/6/2010.

The fact that you are not a 2 sport all-American from Ohio State is not BS, but truth.

You made a comment that I was banned from that site, is a lie. I chose to deactivate my account there.

You passed off that I was a "stalker" on that site. If I was a "stalker", why was I never banned? They had roughly 10 years to ban me, and never did.

Regarding your persistent comments about me being a "stalker". If I was stalking anyone, I would have been banned from that site before I deactivated my page. I would be unable to do what I currently do for a living- because I would be unable to obtain a job, if I have a criminal record. I would also be unable to umpire High School and American Legion baseball if I had a criminal record- as I need Act 34 & 151 (child abuse), and FBI clearances; and that's just for HIGH SCHOOL baseball. I also go through a background check for American Legion, Babe Ruth, and Junior/Senior League baseball.

I e-mailed Brock- after I spotted your blog AND your attack on someone else's wall. Plus your quotes threatening me.

Under most circumstances, I don't root for/against Ohio State. The rooting against Ohio State was dependent on their opponents (any SA, Syracuse or Penn State). My rooting interest in Penn State is that I have an uncle & cousin who are graduates, another cousin is a Syracuse grad, and my dad is a graduate of West Point. If they play an SEC school, I would rather Ohio State win, as I dislike anything to do with the SEC.

give it up, i know the truth and have 2 womens words and biggies and mikes
stop is all i asked, and you cannot, and why i blocked you..did u ever have anything before here where i said that? nope, i did not use it like that at all. unless you manufacture it up.
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Bleed S & G;2340473; said:
Seriously though, [censored] ESPN.

his rant of lies here, is exactly why i called him paulie purebread and was looking for his underdog, he latches on to any that show him attention, like here on this thread. constant and non stop
over 200 texts a month for over 2 years, my wife did not text that much
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As for your SFTC comment...

I asked you to make picks for me, if I was unable to get near a computer. Then you decided on your own to access my account for the picks I made, and make your pick- which means you began to use my picks for your personal gain, which is unethical (borderline fraud). You started to complain about me changing my password.

As for you calling me "Paulie"- I do not allow ANYONE (not even my family), to call me by that name. I told you, that I don't. The fact that you could not honor a request that simple, showed me that you felt above everyone else that you encountered.

I don't call anyone by a name they don't want to be called by (e.g. calling a person name Mike by Mikey), unless they request that they be called Mikey.
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Just a reminder to all -- whatever you think of Strassini, and/or alwaysthere, and/or onlymelol (who has a reasonable claim to being Strassini -- who else would take ownership there?), his actions are his own, and his family is out of bounds in terms of attacks or abuse. There's been very little of that, and what has wandered close to crossing the line has been deleted, but please make moderation of this difficult thread easier for us by respecting that boundary.

Also, a unlisted phone number was posted earlier. That seems above and beyond, and that's been edited. If it's not in the public domain, it should probably be kept private -- at least in terms of contact info that could be wrongly used.

Thanks, all.
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onlymelol;2340479; said:
i came forward, and what was said did not make it out there.
i offered proof and was told it was not needed. if BS still gets said even though the proof it is opposite is there, who is wrong here?

You have no proof or facts. Blow it out your ass. Just because he didn't call your bluff means nothing.
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onlymelol;2340464; said:
pezzo di merda
now you are a rat, cmon man

I'm a rat because I don't want you to be able to openly post swear words in Italian that can't be posted in English on this board?

Surely there can be something done to change Italian swear words to something - maybe [Giovanni Strassini] ?
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onlymelol;2340487; said:
his rant of lies here, is exactly why i called him paulie purebread and was looking for his underdog, he latches on to any that show him attention, like here on this thread. constant and non stop
over 200 texts a month for over 2 years, my wife did not text that much

I was not looking for attention here. I found this information, and stated along the lines that he carried on this charade on ESPN.

You did threaten multiple people from ESPN (Carucci, Ben Halley, Jay Higgins, Steve Pipkin-Savage, myself) with visits, or put Pipkin to sleep. You tried to say that 3 people (Bill Corrado, Mike Crocco, and Matt Jenkins) were 2 people.

Carucci passed around the fraud account (that's where I got it from), I went to you and asked what the deal was. You showed me your driver's license & SS card, to ease my suspicions.

When a person's former spouse dies (in this case, your ex-wife), it should be a no-brainer that the only surviving parent (in this instance, you) should get custody of any children obtained together. The fact that 2-1/2 years passed (when the falling out happened), and you still didn't have custody of your joint child, I knew something was not right.

I have now seen that you being a 2 sport All-American from Ohio State, was a lie. Knowing that you've been carrying on this charade for at least 5 years (and it looks like many more), I now believe the case that was passed around that community is now true. The fact that you refuse to post the name you attended Ohio State under, makes most people here believe that there is more to the story. I don't blame them.
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Clarity;2340489; said:
Just a reminder to all -- whatever you think of Strassini, and/or alwaysthere, and/or onlymelol (who has a reasonable claim to being Strassini -- who else would take ownership there?), his actions are his own, and his family is out of bounds in terms of attacks or abuse. There's been very little of that, and what has wandered close to crossing the line has been deleted, but please make moderation of this difficult thread easier for us by respecting that boundary.

Also, a unlisted phone number was posted earlier. That seems above and beyond, and that's been edited. If it's not in the public domain, it should probably be kept private -- at least in terms of contact info that could be wrongly used.

Thanks, all.

I'm not sure if it was me that posted an unlisted #, but I do remember posting a #. If it was me, I apologize.
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NYG21254246;2340493; said:
I was not looking for attention here. I found this information, and stated along the lines that he carried on this charade on ESPN.

You did threaten multiple people from ESPN (Carucci, Ben Halley, Jay Higgins, Steve Pipkin-Savage, myself) with visits, or put Pipkin to sleep. You tried to say that 3 people (Bill Corrado, Mike Crocco, and Matt Jenkins) were 2 people.

Carucci passed around the fraud account (that's where I got it from), I went to you and asked what the deal was. You showed me your driver's license & SS card, to ease my suspicions.

When a person's former spouse dies (in this case, your ex-wife), it should be a no-brainer that the only surviving parent (in this instance, you) should get custody of any children obtained together. The fact that 2-1/2 years passed (when the falling out happened), and you still didn't have custody of your joint child, I knew something was not right.

I have now seen that you being a 2 sport All-American from Ohio State, was a lie. Knowing that you've been carrying on this charade for at least 5 years (and it looks like many more), I now believe the case that was passed around that community is now true. The fact that you refuse to post the name you attended Ohio State under, makes most people here believe that there is more to the story. I don't blame them.

you are sick and twisted. you have your info all wrong and since you name those people out, say why they claimed you stalked them, and took you off their friends list. and 2 other women also said this, show where i said anything about 2 sport AA, and you would be manufacturing lies....i did not talk about that there...leave me alone, and stop your incessant posts about me that are not true. harassment is what you do, not me,
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onlymelol;2340398; said:
see? lies.
i edited WIKI to REMOVE my name, not add it. WIKI came here to cover their asses, only reason, and played this site to affect that end

Of all the strangeness, right from the very start, this has always been the weirdest claim of them all to me. For it to be even remotely conceivable would entail more weirdness than I could possibly imagine.
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