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Giovanni Strassini: A Football Fantasy

Buckeneye;2338954; said:
So let me get this straight. Somebody else edited wiki pages
And other sources to pen this guy in as a two sport tOSU All-American..?.

Then proceed to launch profiles and campaigns on other sites as well.
While he was out and about, figured be might as well sign a few auto-graphs too.

Makes sense.

do you read? i did not set them up, does not mean i was not aware of it. everyone that leaps to negative and wrongful conclusions is not what i will deal with, hit me with truth and real questions and i will reply accordingly, people such as the last 2 i replied to will continue to spout their wrongful garbage and hopefully only they will believe it.
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onlymelol;2338959; said:
do you read? i did not set them up, does not mean i was not aware of it. everyone that leaps to negative and wrongful conclusions is not what i will deal with, hit me with truth and real questions and i will reply accordingly, people such as the last 2 i replied to will continue to spout their wrongful garbage and hopefully only they will believe it.
Choose positivity.
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onlymelol;2338959; said:
do you read? i did not set them up, does not mean i was not aware of it. everyone that leaps to negative and wrongful conclusions is not what i will deal with, hit me with truth and real questions and i will reply accordingly, people such as the last 2 i replied to will continue to spout their wrongful garbage and hopefully only they will believe it.

You didn't address his post, really. Whether you knew about it or not, you're claiming that someone else edited the wiki pages to reflect you as a two sport all american at OSU, a Browns draft pick, and a member of the OSU all century team and OSU HoF. To what end?
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I think Paul Giamatti should play Giovanni Strassini in the movie.

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onlymelol;2338959; said:
do you read? i did not set them up, does not mean i was not aware of it. .

So.... Basically, you set them up.

No different then being an accessory to a major crime or conspiracy. You had a hand in it even if you didn't hit "submit".

That said - those profiles all had a solid amount of personal pictures.
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Buckeneye;2338954; said:
So let me get this straight. Somebody else edited wiki pages
And other sources to pen this guy in as a two sport tOSU All-American..?.

Then proceed to launch profiles and campaigns on other sites as well.
While he was out and about, figured he might as well sign a few auto-graphs
And attend some charities with this new found fame he didn't ask for...

Makes sense.

Things still aren't adding up. What makes things worse is he not only didn't deny the fictitious claims, HE EMBRACED THEM.He showed up to multiple public viewing events, and god knows how many bowling pins this poor schmuck signed..
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NFBuck;2338961; said:
Choose positivity.
That's absolutely beautiful, man.


You've changed my life.

I scored a TD against USC in 1989. Pass from Greg Fry. 14 double option king left. Never forget it.

I made a VCR tape of it.. digitized it.. and I sold a copy to a dude for 10 bucks, so then I made am IMDB data base out of it. Says I was an Ohio State football player.

Dude.. it's hilarious!

I'm just going to go with it.
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onlymelol;2338959; said:
do you read? i did not set them up, does not mean i was not aware of it. everyone that leaps to negative and wrongful conclusions is not what i will deal with, hit me with truth and real questions and i will reply accordingly, people such as the last 2 i replied to will continue to spout their wrongful garbage and hopefully only they will believe it.

You are a liar and a fraud (or a sock puppet) asking people to hit you with truth and real questions. This is laughable.

If you really are Giovanni, here is a real question. How can we trust you after you spent years lying to people's faces about who you are? Those people in Charlotte did not read Wiki or any of the social media, and come up to you saying "hey, you are that AA TE from Ohio State!" So excuse me why I don't believe a thing you say about not being a part of the internet fraudulent claims.

There is nothing good about this no matter how much you want to convince yourself to the contrary, and no, I don't think you had altruistic motives. This was all about you, and a slap in the face to all the people who did actually work hard to be a part of those Ohio State teams and the very elite who did make AA status.
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onlymelol;2338950; said:
i said i did not set up ANY account on the net, wikipedia had things on their site about me and i removed them, simple. wikipedia has been around for 12 years, the other things less time as for the net. the other things started a long time ago, and it is wikipedia that posted here and caused this. i said i was wrong for not stopping it and furthering it, do not lie about what i wrote, it is there and you are now twisting it to discredit what i wrote, wrong. i was wrong, nothing criminal, what is your point in trying to make me more a bad guy?

ok, so tomorrow I wan't to wake and and be John Holmes "bigger" little brother. Can you get those internet gremlins to handle that?
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to giovanni

you did damage property.

that was a mint condition bowling pin that you graffiti tagged with your signature


so we are to believe that someone else started these rumors about you all over the internet, played the same sporcle quiz like 700 times and you just played along along with the lies once it came out because why not?

if you are complicit in perpetuating the lie, why should we believe that you didn't start it? why is wikipedia after you?

did that same someone hack your accounts to post fake ring pics of fakeassbuckeye's?

do you consider yourself to be living a lie and will Jesus condemn you to Hell now for your sins?

So riddle me this Scooby Doo, who is the masked man setting you up to look like even more of a tool on the internet in your version of all this?
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Re: this is for you

you attempt to make something more out of what happened, the police are aware, and so is the proper places. accessory after the fact, yes
nothing for profit is what you are wrong about. nothing nefarious at all
stop the hype with trying to make more if it. altrusitic, look it up. i said that is why i did it. i have proof of those things, they are documented as well, from the actual sources
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BIATCHabutuka;2338972; said:
you did damage property.

that was a mint condition bowling pin that you graffiti tagged with your signature


so we are to believe that someone else started these rumors about you all over the internet, played the same sporcle quiz like 700 times and you just played along along with the lies once it came out because why not?

if you are complicit in perpetuating the lie, why should we believe that you didn't start it? why is wikipedia after you?

did that same someone hack your accounts to post fake ring pics of fakeassbuckeye's?

do you consider yourself to be living a lie and will Jesus condemn you to Hell now for your sins?

So riddle me this Scooby Doo, who is the masked man setting you up to look like even more of a tool on the internet in your version of all this?
:cough: JoPa :cough:
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BIATCHabutuka;2338972; said:
you did damage property.

that was a mint condition bowling pin that you graffiti tagged with your signature


so we are to believe that someone else started these rumors about you all over the internet, played the same sporcle quiz like 700 times and you just played along along with the lies once it came out because why not?

if you are complicit in perpetuating the lie, why should we believe that you didn't start it? why is wikipedia after you?

did that same someone hack your accounts to post fake ring pics of fakeassbuckeye's?

do you consider yourself to be living a lie and will Jesus condemn you to Hell now for your sins?

So riddle me this Scooby Doo, who is the masked man setting you up to look like even more of a tool on the internet in your version of all this?

vaffanculo...make your dirt with something more than you crappola ok? they gave me many pins for the people i know as well, and they wanted their signatures. i was wrong, stop trying to make it worse, you are part of them.,.ciao a finito
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