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Game Thread Gator Bowl: tOSU vs. Florida, Mon. Jan 2, 1 ET, ESPN2

OSU_D/;2077271; said:
So now you're willing to look at record books and look at technicalities? You can't have it both ways.

I'll go with the official record books for both OSU and the NCAA. In fact I am looking at OSU's right now and there is nothing there for a 2010 bowl game.

This thing really works? Who knew?!

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OSU_D/;2077271; said:
So now you're willing to look at record books and look at technicalities? You can't have it both ways.

I'll go with the official record books for both OSU and the NCAA. In fact I am looking at OSU's right now and there is nothing there for a 2010 bowl game.

The game happened, we won, Arkansas lost, the NCAA says it didn't happen. We beat an SEC team. Period. End of story. Can we at least keep the negativity limited to this clusterfuck of a game?
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OSU_D/;2077271; said:
So now you're willing to look at record books and look at technicalities? You can't have it both ways.

I'll go with the official record books for both OSU and the NCAA. In fact I am looking at OSU's right now and there is nothing there for a 2010 bowl game.
Seriously, what are you talking about? Ohio State won the game. They subsequently vacated the victory. That does not turn the victory into the loss.
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The Bollman era will soon be over.

This senior class and its incredible lack of leadership will be gone. Some will be missed, but really their legacy will not be a favorable one.

This offensive scheme will be gone.

It's a shame, but this season really couldn't have ended any other way than the way this game unfolded.

Time for a new era to start.

100,000 at the spring game!! Who's with me????
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woofermazing;2077282; said:
We need more draws.

No crap! 5:30 seconds left in the game and they are running the freaking ball.. Although Miller doesn't seem to be able to hit a deep pass though, so we might as well pack it in and concede the loss. This teams quit and the coaching staff doesnt give a rats ass at this point.
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OSU_D/;2077271; said:
So now you're willing to look at record books and look at technicalities? You can't have it both ways.

I'll go with the official record books for both OSU and the NCAA. In fact I am looking at OSU's right now and there is nothing there for a 2010 bowl game.

Dude why are you being that guy?
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